Cosmic Bitch

"You can imagine where it goes from there."

Well, they already have sexy fireman calendars, this just takes it a little further.

Yup! Crazy Stupid Love.

I have some of those ponies, and if someone stole them I would be angry. And embarrassed.

Mine has that! He can grab things pretty well.

Nothing about this offends me. People tried to think of funny names for the vagina. If it was "terrible names for a penis," which people also make up all the time, would you still be bothered by it?

People make up penis nicknames all the time.

I think the battered-woman thing is because one side claims that he was not actually pointing a gun at her when she shot him, although her lawyers say that he was.

Look Netflix, just use the price hike and streaming/DVD separation to give us better streaming content and we will be best bros again.

This guy is so over-the-top that I almost can't take anything he does seriously. He's like some sort of bad caricature if Italians.

Daww, I love tabby foreheads :)

Why lentils?

You're tearing us apart, banister!

Here I am feeling guilty for laughing at someone who was possibly kidnapped, and it turns out that she wasn't kidnapped, she's just screwing the guitarist from Journey. Don't you just hate when that happens?

"before Palin became Alaska governor she was seen snorting cocaine off an overturned 55-gallon oil drum while snowmobiling with pals."

Morbidly, someone might have been so annoyed by her that they wanted her to go away... by killing her. Probably not the case, but could have happened.

"Got down to under four pounds."

It looks like something/someone Doctor Manhattan would hook up with.

Can you actually grow tomatoes with these? Not tomatoes*, tomatoes.

Or, a woman who goes through the effort to get an IUD installed is more careful about avoiding infections? A lot of questions of correlation vs causation.