Cosmic Bitch

It's all Rahn's fault, obviously.

Okay, here's my problem with America and weight issues. We're bombarded with things telling us that thinner is better, to extremely unhealthy extremes. On the other hand, we're facing an obesity epidemic the likes of which we've never seen before, and it's killing people.

I feel like that should constitute as some sort of sexual harassment though. I know that would get into some legal free speech gray area, but he shouldn't call a child a whore or slut.

I can sort of see this as something to give your pet while you're gone so it won't be too sad, but it's just weird.

I don't understand how a grown man can call a young girl a "whore" and "slut." There are better ways to criticize. He could have said that she is over-sexualized or not behaving appropriately without using those words.

I'm wary of forcing people to be vaccinated, but not for reasons related to sex, just of forcing medical precautions on people. These people are using the wrong arguments.

I'm young enough to not recall the eighties, and I still wish they'd stay dead.

Disregard that comment, I didn't realize that there was a real life person that was talking about James Franco, as I merely skimmed the article. I hit the "cancel" button instead of posting, but it submitted anyway.

That little baby is a hardtop, not a convertible. But she has a fucking Audi TT? I'm feeling a strong mixture of disgust and envy right now. In fact, if some green Envy Demon came to me right now to give me some sort of devil's deal to steal it from her, I would totally do it.

But it's with a prostitute, not a mistress, so you he feels no love for her, only mental lust. That makes it okay.

If those kids are back on TV, Kate shouldn't get any of that money for herself. That should ALL go to those kids.

I'm 18 and I wish the 80's would stay dead like they belong.

Are the 80s really the way to go to attract the teen demographic?

That's awesome. I see green and tan lines, and if I relax my eyes a see a slowly spinning radiation symbol.

Why not the term "homosexual?" It's the technical term for sexuality of a person of one's own gender. Why is "gay," a term that does not carry the literal meaning, preferable? (Not trying to start an argument, just curious.)

"Man" in this case denotes "human." I understand not wanting male to be the default, but still "womyn?" Why not just call the men wermen like in old english?

That bothers me greatly for some reason.

Honestly, is there anywhere else it could be?


Forgive me.