Cosmic Bitch

There does seem to be a malicious and passive-agressive element in that relationship. Feeding your daughter gross things is not very nice, but lying about it is just nasty and manipulative, especially if she was too young to resist the control her mother had over her food.

I think that you need to point the thing so that the maggots can't jump directly into your face when you eat it.

I think some people combine the band and ring together after they get married.

Just out of curiosity, where did this happen?

It's legal in New York outside of the city, unless there's a sign specifically saying not to. In the city, you can't turn on red unless a sign specifically says that you can.

I think that might be one of the funniest moments of South Park.

"porn — which they define as including erotica and romance novels — twice a week or less"

I didn't learn until I was eleven either. I kept trying but I just couldn't balance. It was very frustrating and I don't know why it took me so long.

I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was eleven. Just couldn't do it until then.

I don't think of him as guilty, but I don't think of him as innocent either. I don't have any proof either way, and won't draw any conclusions yet.

Nothing arouses a woman more than the dulcet aroma of Bigfoot's dick.

Wow. I'm sorry that happened to you.

I used to be afraid of hot sauce. It started one day when I was young and touched a bottle of Tabasco that was in the cabinet to read the label. I touched my eye, and was then in a large amount of pain. I didn't touch a bottle of hot sauce for years after that. I'm also extremely sensitive to spicy food and can't eat

I agree about the end-of-year thing. It lets a kid know that they are doing something right. Especially when the reward is something constructive like building something fun.

Something about that sentence makes my Freudian Sense tingle.

Wow, that is classy. Is that lady behind them clapping?

How is a wooden airplane excessive?

I'm going to have to incorporate shitass into my vocabulary now.

That's what I said. It shouldn't be your primary reason for going, but college and grad-school are places where you can meet prospective parters/spouses.

On the other hand, has anyone SEEN what they slip into cartoons that are actually for children? I was watching Power Puff Girls on Youtube for nostalgia and heard this gem from a villain that prides himself on masculine manliness: "The more manhood you bring against me, the harder I become!" I really can't see how