
Best. Soccer game. Ever.

Blair Walsh is masturbating to this game right now, filled with self-loathing.

Wooh! A tie. Now for the rest of the season figuring out playoff standings is going to be a pain in the ass...

No matter how this game ends, never forget Pete Carroll is a 9/11 truther piece of shit. Fuck that guy.

Ironic that it turns out Pete Carroll was a sleeper agent to ruin football all along.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

“And we re-join the match in hour 15, the 8 starting civilizations have each completed a dozen turns and.... hey, wake up!”

Needs more doubloons.

“...McVey go through a Rocky-esc training montage.”

Watched it earlier this year. It’s very much something of a counterpart or successor to The King of Kong, following in its footsteps in multiple ways. It doesn’t reach quite the same dramatic highs of Kong, and it certainly doesn’t exhibit the exact same level of filmmaking craft, but that doesn’t keep it from being a

Hoping every day no one with my name does something incredible terrible.

+ридцать восемь

As a former F-18 pilot, I’d say luck mixed with a little “this is your fucking job”

I was about to make a joke about “only 38 people” but it looks like a lot less than that. Joke is on me, I guess!

I did my study abroad in Russia and this reminds me of this small group who would stand near the shopping mall in St. Petersburg lobbying for full Communism to come back. It was never more than 10-15 people. There was always more people stopping to take pictures than at any of the rallies.

Brian Posehn?


I worry. About your ability to properly rank “badass” celebrities.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

The fun part is going to be figuring out who’s a Host and who’s a Guest.