This article is embarrassing for you, and frankly it’s not something you want in your portfolio.
This article is embarrassing for you, and frankly it’s not something you want in your portfolio.
They seem to make it a political statement, rather than a review of the game.
So let me be clear. You’re writing a negative review about a game that you haven’t had the opportunity to play or even see anyone playing online or in reality? Hmmmmmm. Interesting psychological phenomenon.
You should definitely stick with the sweaters and stay away from a computer keyboard. At least I’m basing my…
IT was for WAY more than the hoverboard stunt.
It takes some very basic intelligence to understand a few things.
I’m not a Biden fan. That said:
The article does state that opioids can be life saving for chronic pain and life threatening conditions. Just that it might be overkill for acute pain which this is supposed to be for
Agreed. Andrew writes like he’s living in a self-inflicted “Dark Mode” where he can’t focus on anything other than himself.
I’ve gone dark every chance I get with my interfaces. I’ve been doing it ever since Microsoft let you tweak your UI with a custom pallete. So if 20+ years is a fad... *shrug* I am a programmer though, so your mileage may vary.
Umm. Not blowing my eyeballs out when using my phone at night is by FAR the most valuable reason. And barely even mentioned here. It’s the most practical application by far, and absolutely legit. Must we shit on everything?
I’m not disputing that it provides some manner of protection, it’s just over hyped here. I’m guessing that it affords some sort of protection to the patch of skin, (which for now we don’t know the size because of the $10 paywall) that can be only inches big at best, in the same way “stealth” planes works, it reduces…
HAHAAHAH oh man, you are trolling for some attention my duder. and you barked up the wrong fucking tree with this..go back to 4chan
No, he would have been in the wrong for not de-escalating the situation so nobody got hurt. He did what we hope all cops will try to do; he found a way out of a deadly situation without anybody dying.
We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than…
So your suggestion to people with disabilities or chronic illnesses is that they just shouldn’t play games? Because right now you’re coming across as someone with working legs complaining that ramps exist. The ramps aren’t for you, they’re for people who can’t walk.
The controls force you to get used to them, when you figure things out, you make costly mistakes less and less. And the mistakes you do make because of clumsy controls just all enrich your unique story.
OMG it takes 3 seconds to loot a body. Man, people have NO PATIENCE anymore.
For me, it’s not that nothing annoying ever happens, it’s just that you get used to it, and minor annoyances become so rare that I can’t really distinguish between them and control input mistakes in other games with “tighter” movement mechanics. I can make those sorts of mistakes in literally any game, and it’s no…
Why would they patch something that’s working as intended? It’s not their fault that you are intent on resisting, rather than getting used to, the movement control. Most people aren’t hung up on it.
Yeah but...if you’re like me, the notebook will inevitably get lost or damaged. At least with the digital method, I can save it to the Cloud — foreverrrrrr.