
I used to lucid dream a lot. I learned to do it as a kid when I was trying to deal with nightmares. My dad had told me to try to realize it was a dream and wake up. The next nightmare I had, a witch was chasing me in her broom (from a cartoon I had watched that day). I tried to wake up but couldn’t open my eyes. Then,

Very sorry you have that. Hope you get relief someday. 

Andrew, I don’t mean this specifically to just this article or to you specifically. (I see what you are doing here, and there is obvious pizazz in your writing and all. And a contrarian article is not a new idea and can be useful approach to think about a topic for a different perspective).

Yeah, it’s not a trend that causes the preference, but a long time preference that designers are catching up to. Any css modding software had a slew of dark mode style mods, Gmail has had it forever etc etc.

I’m not saying this is wrong for anyone else to do, but for me it feels wrong to use techniques I know are wrong. It makes me feel icky, I have just put more ugly into the world by using them, and it doesn’t seem to accomplish anything more than making someone feel bad, who very possibly already feels bad, if they are

Why does Gawker in particular keep repeating this snarky BS? Please, have your reporters research this better and stop flooding the internet with misinformation: The sub was asked for, repeatedly.“We are worried about the smallest lad. Please keep working on the capsule.” And later “it is absolutely worth continuing

Came here to write similar, though you put it very very well. Was surprised/disappointed to see margarine touted as healthier.

Yes, great observation. That’s the big design challenge: the more open and flexible you make something, the harder it is to tell specific stories. And specifics are what make a story feel real and have impact. Even a tiny example conveys the power: “She drank a beer.” Vs. “She downed a Guinness in one, fairly long,

Great article; love the way you start it re: the big fix: as I was reading it my red flags were up as it didn’t seem a central enough point to being a review, but your point was well taken.

In the first game, it was always clear to me they wanted to do the right thing, but they stumbled a bit more. Understandable because they were trying some very new things at the time, and I was still super-impressed with their passion and integrity. But now, man, I’m just blown away. They learned every lesson

Or if this particular restaurant, or if this particular car, or if this particular... you get the picture. The ADA doesn’t necessarily apply in this case, but not because of your logic: that any particular product, service or building, etc doesn’t have to be accessible because there are others to choose from.

You make some great points, and I appreciate the time you dedicated to a difficult and important topic, especially for,those with disabilities.

I found the cleaners just awesome in the first one. The Outcasts seem to play that role of civilian cult gone bad. They are interesting, but not as interesting as the cleaners.

Fellow Juneau-I’ve here. Was thinking it was weird too, though “weird Juneau weather” is redundant.

I think this was happening to my and the repair drone! Thought maybe enemies were shooting it or something. Good on the Devs for jumping on this so quickly. Well done!

Might be good to add a sentence describing the consequence of the vulnerability: it can allow hacker to execute malicious code on the users computer.

I’m guess is the main draw is, when folded, they can fit in a pocket and be used one handed while on the run, but can be unfolded for a more luxurious viewing/ reading Media and large documents.

Have always found their UI atrocious. To this day I have to guess at how to get to the artist or our page for song and listen to. Those should be primary buttons on the main page.  And the fact that you can’t create a playlist Or folder on their mobile app is sad. These are the primary reasons I am constantly

Yeah, I really don’t understand how people could miss the point that this is not a game to rush through. I just played it the whole weekend and was describing how luxerious the pacing is to friends. Then I come here and see people complaining about this very thing!

I disagree. Sure, there is always room for improvment, but it seems more like people are trying to force it to be a different type of game. Comments like, it should control like assassins creed odyssey. I mean, that’s just bizarre and missing the point. ACO is a fricking melee fighting game.