
Holy shit, that guy clapping. That is horrifying. And those women were laughing? That is terrible. I hate them all.

This neg circle just got so meta.

That has ALWAYS angered me about those Sarah MacLachlan - no animal is worth more than a human life, and I'm disgusted by people who are more outraged by cruelty to animals than cruelty to humans.

Well, thank goodness we've protected their right to get as close to their victims (read: WOMEN GOING TO HEALTH CLINICS) as possible.

If you'd like to be accurately insulting, "the author is writing like a person who doesn't understand baseball."

This is by far my most favorite article ever, of all time, because of you and this thread.

Do parents not get that when you put it in a text book, it's immediately NBD? When you make a scene about how it shouldn't be in a text book, it's just become a BFD.

"Look gentlemen, I don't know if we're ready for this. All this time, we've been girding our loins for a standard potato-shape landing - THAT'S WHAT WE PREPARED FOR. Now, you come at me with two potatoes, stuck together. What do you think this is - a day at the farmer's market?! WE ARE NOT PREPARED FOR A TWO-POTATO

Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time someone has had to share custody with a crazy, deplorable ex-spouse.

No no no! Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts!

So, what I get from this article is, some times you feel horny just before your period, sometimes you feel horny during your period, sometimes you feel horny just after your period, and you're naturally horny when you ovulate.
All of these sound like me, pretty much all of the time.

My husband and I are talking about children. I come from a family of all women, so I am pretty nervous that if we have a son, I will have no idea what I'm doing. My husband loves to tease me, and tell me how all little boys smash their penises on everything. I tell him all girls do naked splits. Clearly, all children

Callie, not one of these articles goes by that I don't chuckle softly to myself and think, "Ohhhohohohoh. Now THIS is derision of famous people that I can get behind."
I send you love and golf claps.

1) Your name is awesome.
2) Meh, I say you stick with "goat cheese". I mean, that is the English translation - you aren't incorrect - and the average cheese-person in the grocery store will understand. If you go to an actual artisan cheese shop, hit 'em with "chevre" like a Frenchie, and they'll probably appreciate

Oh god, you think? Arrg. "Pop" instead of "soda" was already getting under my skin. Now this? Well, at least I haven't called him out, yet.

My fiance - whom I love dearly- keeps saying alterior motives instead of ulterior. And it drives me NUTS.

I cannot get over someone wanting to have both lemon AND milk in their tea. Even if they didn't know it curdled, just ...yeeeech.

Corona: I am not ashamed of my passionate love of this shitty, shitty beer on a hot summer's day. You must be the type of person who thinks a shandy is a sin against god. And you might be right. But Corona + lime makes me happy.

Anchor Steam: Ohhhhh, fuck you.