
You have a solid point, and I'm not being sarcastic. I dunno, I envision this thumbs up as more of an, "You march on, dude. We're in the trenches together, fighting for justice! Fight, fight on!"
If it was closer to, "Heeeeeeeey there" or "HAHAHAH NICE WORK, CHUBBY" then yeah, I'd be mortified, and possibly stabby.

Does the fact that it does bother you invalidate others' feeling on the subject?
I don't disagree with how you feel regarding the above comment. I'm not looking for a fight, honestly, I just think that there is a lot of frustration lingering from the article and what we all really want is to yell at the complete

Let me try to make this clear.
No one is saying that you (or anyone else) needs to change their body in any way. I believe both myself and FGT are applauding someone who is clearly working hard.
I was saying I was new to exercise. Furthermore, I mentioned nothing about losing weight. I haven't lost that much weight - I

Oh, for sure. When I'm at the gym, I'm not there to chat - I'm there to work. That's why I'm so surprised at the backlash; FriedGreenTermaters didn't make any reference to talking to this exerciser. A nod, a thumbs-up, a solid "you're doing good" face... these (to me, I suppose, if we must add the caveat) seem like a

Woah, WHAT is this "Doof Martin" talking about?
I've been heavy, too, and getting thinner is hard work. When you're really really working at slimming down, as a person who is new to exercise, you sometimes get stuck in a hard spot of trying to keep going. I would have LOVED a thumbs up on my first few runs, from

I am psyched to see actual intelligent black female and male protagonists. This movie looks awesome.

Look, everyone, I think we need to stop and consider just how amazing this post is. Let's take it line by line:

You really could not be more wrong.…
That's just one research paper identifying the connection between studying abroad and improved creative thinking, as well as sensitivity to other cultures and differences between people.
Actually, I highly recommend you seek a study abroad

You know, it's not laughing at them so much as it's pure, unadulterated schadenfreude. Right now, they are horrified. When they look back on this in a few years, they will be laughing so hard they'll be crying.

ARRG who doesn't know this song!?

I want to insert here just how effing CHOICE Jodie Foster is, in forwarding important women characters with genuine shit to do:
Agent Starling
Dr. Arroway

I am digging the sentiments in all the comments:

Hahahaha! Italian ;)

Haaahahahahaaa. That shit is true and chuckle-worthy. But GODDAMN IT, I still love watching soccer. Maybe not so much for the game, per se. Really, it's just an excuse to hate Italians. Maybe if it was framed that way, more people would watch?

UUUUGH Come on. When did this suddenly become a political battle? Can't we have some friendly, non-violent, country-on-country rivalry?

Meh, hard not to use a tool-ish term to describe a poster who is kind of sounding like a tool themselves.

I'm sorry but... Eww.

Either you gave these our preemptively because you believe them, or because you're being sarcastic.

Let's not get sucked into Clinton's rhetoric regarding the 2008 campaign - it's over. As she herself said, she should move on and think about her life and her future.
I'm still down to vote for her, but there's no need for her to try and distance herself from President Obama.

Under no circumstances will "toot" not make me giggle like a kindergartner.