
I think it is so easy to look at this type of clip and think, "UGH HOMOPHOBIA". And you're right - Newt is totally homophobic and gross. But we all knew that.
What I think should also be noted are the looks of incredulity from other members on that panel, who practically do a double-take when Newt says, "Shouldn't you

Oh man. Did someone already post the "Singing in the Rain" rape scene, from Clockwork Orange? There's a showstopper.

If I may say so, I don't think this expose goes far enough. How many sitcoms are there where Mom is a) a killjoy, b) a nag, c) humorless, d) constantly calling Dad an idiot, e) a hypocrite, or f) all of the above? Let's name a few. I'll start:

People like you are so boring.

Did anyone tell him that he was on TV? That this wasn't just a chat with Andy?

Um, this looks amazing. Which is why I need to know:

"I had to throw away the necklace you gave me, because it was controlling my mind."

I. Hate. Jerry Lewis. I hate his comedy; I hate his whole shtick. To this day, the only movie that makes me physically ill is his original "Nutty Professor", which is god-awful and sexist. Sure, sure, it was a bit of a different time, and I'm not trying to deny that, but he's a terrible actor and comedian. Of course,

This is one of the best dueling scenes! Did you know that both Mandy Patinkin and Cary Elwes studied Errol Flynn when they did this? They became super serious about this fight. So awesome.

Oh man, PREACH.

I love your standup, Amy, and your show. I first saw you on Charlie Sheen's Roast, and I was SO excited about how you had vicious zingers for everyone.

Let's not kid ourselves. You know what it was called, I know what it was called... we all secretly listened to it. And then we secretly listened to her I Don't Like Your Girlfriend song.
...This might be the exception.

Ahh, drat. I meant her whole name.

Does the fact that he was annoyingly verbose count as a flaw? If someone consistently called me by my first name, I'd feel like I was being m'lady'd.

You know, I actually really thought Tangled was a better musical. What song in Frozen is as compelling as "Mother Knows Best"?

Aww, man. I really like this guy's videos - he's normally odd-ball and hilarious. But he's done this stuff before, and he's just walked up and kissed girls on the face before, and this was my reaction, too - just, "Ugh. That's not funny."

This tops any "Telling parents we're pregnant!" video.

Car-jacking: Non-consensual Zipcar

I wish these stories didn't make me so, so angry. The narcissism and shallowness of thinking only of your own problems, and not being able to put yourself in another person's shoes... How disgusting.