im sry boo
im sry boo
Really feel like you forgot the classic "Bitches love me/FUCK these bitches" mishmash of nonsense.
Is the free space "This is revenge because I dumped her"?
Vengeful ex-girlfriend, and I am MISUNDERSTOOD are missing. Also, God.
If you graphed the best anthem singers in World Series history on a dart board, with the best ones near the bullseye, he'd be on the outside.
I'd love to see Anonymous treat Gamer Gate as the terrorist organization that it is.
This is it. Nothing more need be said.
I actually think the smart ones who have a point don't associate with Gamer Gate. They don't see the need to be collective in their genuine inquiries about journalism ethics or sexism. Also, those aren't the ones being chauvinistic douche waffles threatening rape and outing peoples personal info.
I've been saying this for a while now.
I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).
Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained…
I can tell you're a white guy from this comment, bruh.
"Being a writer means that's your job, that's your income."
Well the first thing the USA would do is stop printing Social Security and public assistance checks for residents of the newly found nation of Reagan. I hear that might not go over well in Florida where the residents skew a tad older.
But I am better. :3
I'm a Texan. I consider myself a Southerner. Frankly, there's good reason to have serious issues with the South, Southerners, and especially the South's self-conceptualisation.
I think you have a rather inflated view of this whole thing.
Except that the "movement" started as an organized harassment campaign against a female developer after her ex accused her of cheating in a character assassination piece. What good could have ever come out of that?
No, most of this stuff is mental and a gym isn't fixing that.
The sewer levels (Anoat, and then on the prison planet where you rescue Madine) were my first taste of first-person survival horror. Those fucking Dianogas. I hate those things.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption