Yeah, this isn’t just GGers. It’s the whole goddam internet.
Yeah, this isn’t just GGers. It’s the whole goddam internet.
I was wondering that myself, what is up with that guy’s neck? It looks like he survived a failed hanging.
In my experience, a fight is over when one guy is obviously losing or the fight goes over 30 seconds. I guess you can consider the first 30-seconds to be a “Boys will be fuckwits” allowance period.
I can somewhat oblige you, from the Germany-Brazil slaughter of yesteryear:
And did *you* know that several nations other than the U.S. call it soccer too, and that your Euro-cocksucking impresses no one?
I’m quite aware, and also aware of how the practice has evolved since 1915 (since you apparently aren’t). Both the U.S. and Russia, and the Soviet Union before it, have an established practice of stationing warships near to conflict areas that concern their proxy or vassal states. They’re there ostensibly to “observe”…
I always wondered how a ship in open waters acts provocatively and aggressively. Did they put out a huge sign that said “GRRRR!” or “UR JERKS, LOL”?
Not to mention, that they’d tip their hand that they had this capability just to troll an American destroyer for a few minutes?
As to your last two paragraphs, the ship is there as a sign to Putin that we’re keeping an eye on the situation and that what he’s doing isn’t escaping our notice.
I feel a strange urge to watch There Will Be Brawl now...
As EvilFD pointed out, unlike our carriers those islands can't move. Makes it awfully easy to either ignore them or commit the Chinese to holding them, at their cost.
One major, major downside I feel like you have to mention about thin wallets is that you won't notice when they slip out of your pocket, either by gravity or with some human help. In other words, you lose them a whole lot more easily because their absence is less noticeable.
I'm probably more remembering the infamous X-Wing mission where your mission is to clear a minefield. It's an exercise in grinding tedium and swift death for a minor mistake.
Honestly, it's like Command sent you into that mission on a dare. Also, if they're gonna go through the effort of sending an Interceptor (which have no hyperdrive and have to be carried) you might as well have an ImpStar do it.
Oh GOD the mine missions. Why would they ever think that would be fun?
Ah, it's ok. Gawker seems to hate me too nowadays, I think their main site banned me. Tarred with the same brush, I guess. #wewarmachinesareallsooppressed
That guy gives War Machines a bad name.