That woman is such a predator.
That woman is such a predator.
This Saturday night, I raise my glass to Draven Rodriguez. You brought so much joy to countless others with your unforgettable senior portrait. I'm sorry that so many people were not able to give you the happiness that you were able to give to the world. I'm sorry that so many others failed you and were not able to…
I mean, where to begin? There was the Sun In addiction, neon pink lipstick in high school, the spiral perms, that time me and my mom gave each other highlights, then when I tried to go back to auburn from blonde and the temporary color turned my hair pink; so so many short hair cuts on my thick curly hair (chronic…
The Florida authorities called the Dozier School for Boys a reformatory, a home for orphans or wayward boys who…
I don't understand why I am still so sad about this. :(
Right? It's one of the core truths that unites our great land. If Pierre Berton was still alive, he could add a chapter to "Why We Act Like Canadians" about it.
I am glad you clarified that because I was about to ask what kind of Ceasar salad DOESN'T have bacon on it? (canadian)
In Canada, it does. Always. I discovered that was not universal when I asked in Raleigh (biz trip) for the server to hold the bacon on my salad. They were confuse. I was confuse. We have a lovely little chat about how those cultural differences sneak up on ya. Happy ending. No server was abused in any way.
Yes, but often little girls' hair gets braided not for style or looks. It gets braided to keep her long hair out of her face and the dirt and food and whatever else. When I had long hair, it was ALWAYS braided. Not because it looked better; because it was EASIER. When braided, it would stay neat and contained all…
I can attest to the differences in costs. Pre transition, I'd buy all my stuff at Ulta. Premium face wash, face lotion, and age defying crap like Philosophy? Way more than anything in the premium men's aisle. I paid half the costs for men's targeted comparable products. Even at Target recently I paid only $4 each for…
You can totally ask how she is, and you could always invite her for dinner so you can see how they interact. One of my besties who happens to be my roommate is an ex, I love him to death, we have each others back and we have no lingering feelings whatsoever. You seems like a considerate, openminded person so if you…
Friends: Today is my last day at Jezebel.
Fun to see the Foodspin/Regressing crossover for sure, but you had instrumentation issues and, most troublingly, didn't take advantage of the most useful aspect of the two-slice sandwich: the extra ingredients. Cook in some deli turkey/salami/chicken, or some avocado.
My husband starting watching this yesterday. I didn't watch it, but I heard it. When it became violent I made him turn it off. I have two small children and I don't want them to be exposed to that. The thought that their little souls could be torn to pieces because of who they are kills me. What happened to Daniel…
I think it's kind of despicable that Britney became a pop star doing precisely what the business directed her to do, and the populace consistently acted like she took a dump on the American flag. I don't think she's a good singer. She's a good entertainer, and her music is a delicious pop confection.
No. We shouldn't censor ourselves out of a desire to pander to anti-choice idiots.
Apply to be a department store Santa? Lots of openings coming soon.
How do I get a job lying to children?