
I have yet to see a gif and for that I thank the staff. I can't imagine what it mustbe like to view these images daily and agree that in any other work place staff wouldnot be allowed to see such images. Thank you.

credit to Ned Flanders

I had twins too, fraternal and my second pregnancy so it was low risk, I'd done it before, take everything with that understnding.

Moving comfort! I like the Fiona bra as it is adjustable and keeps it all together but not painfully sqished. I'm 34d and a runner. Never found a better bra.

Well, I like Q with Jian Ghomeshi, but I'm not sure he's everyone's cup of tea. There's a lot of talking but he usually has a live music guest and often chooses music between the segments. My favourite is Definitely not the Opera (DNTO). Sook Yin Lee is amazing. It's a bit like This American Life but with a bit more

Check out some of the stuff on CBC music. It's an app, or on the computer you can just google CBC radio and then either live stream Radio 1 or 2 or even three if you have satellite radio. You can also choose pod casts. I like the talking-type shows best, but I think that radio 2 is more music based and the hosts

Every year I make my brother and sister in law gingerbread men. The kids decorate them then we rush them to the post office and express mail them. The cost of mailing is so much more than the cookies, but then my bro gets to have delicious, almost warm cookies from a few provinces over.

I really like the stumptuous blog. Krista is great and has an at home gym thingy that she shows you how to make with things like a basketball filled with sand etc. I find the blog accepting of all body shapes/sizes, very woman positive and well researched/informed.

It's more the author's political views. He kind of pushes a pro-Israeli agenda. Which, fair enough, that's his right. It's not really my thing though. I thought his treatment of a pregnancy and discussion around the "duty" to keep the baby was a bit heavy handed too.

Hmm well.

Saga by Brian K. Vaughan

I"m a Montessori teacher at the elementary level. If you want to know more about that method let me know. I see another post about the materials and the main ideas are touched on there.

I went through a break up with a fiance. Not the same thing, but I promise it will be better. I felt better once I started doing new things since fiance and I used to do most things together. I took a knitting class, joined a martial art and eventually moved due to work. I met a bunch of great and interesting people

I remember something about a number of small black men that accompanied sinter klaus as well. And the cheap racist figurines. So awful. People who are normally so reasonable lose their minds over the zwarte piet thing. How can they not see the racism.

I had good luck with the wrap. Try wearing the baby around the house so that she gets used to it. Mine loved to nap in the wrap. It was so great. I could get some work done without all the fussing. I even learned how to wear both my twins at the same time! If you can make it work it's great.

Congrats! Finishing a 5K is awesome! I loves races and find that signing up for a few a year keeps me motivated to run even through the crappy winter weather.

I've never seen a therapist but am considering it. My family never talked about my father. It was weird. Like he just didn't exist. I don't think I really noticed much impact in my life until I started dating and had my own kids. I have a very hard time trusting people and feel a lot of sadness now that I have my own

Sounds awesome! What play are you seeing?

I think I meant more take time to choose who to introduce to your children. It wasn't clear. I've seen children go through a revolving door of possible parental figures. It's not good. Date who and when you want, I just think you should wait to get children involved until you're sure the relationship is sure thing.

I go for a run then enjoy the hot shower after. Then put on a nice moisturizer, cozy clothes/pjs and relax with a cup of coffee and snack...mmm perfect Sunday morning. I might even polish my nails, put on a hair mask or take a warm bath. The combination of great endorphins from a run and the relaxing hot water can't