
Like all groups, there’s going to be extremists. Sadly, the extremists are usually louder/able to get their message out more clearly due to the shock value, and those are the posts that get shared around, not the ones that urge working together. That’s most likely the reason why a lot of people see feminism as a

They’re not closing the cockpit off, they’re adding a windshield. Which is what F1 cars had in the 70's.

Think of it in law school terms: a lawyer would struggle to end (figuratively) the same amount of lives as a Phalanx does (literally) in 12 seconds. Gotta look at the time efficiency!

I feel BMI isn’t a good metric to compare against. When i’m a healthy weight, with almost no fat, and able to run more than 100m, my BMI still says I’m overweight.

What razor means is fitting the AdBlue system to a vehicle that was not originally designed with it

Das ist nicht akzeptabel!

You forgot to mention Fanta (the good kind), and the Otto-cycle engine (which directly influenced IC engine technology for decades to come).

I was hoping to see this at least once! Cheers!

Oh, I totally agree. I’m making it out to be a bigger issue then it is. Just check it every other oil change, and change it when needed.

Considering the year of the cars affected, it would be a 2.0TFSI, or a 2.5. Still have to watch the damn cam followers. Damn you VW (and by extension Audi)! Damn you!

I thought we were having a nice conversation about what’s best for Canada’s needs, and you brought your ego into this.

I never said it was stealthy, I was saying that the Growler’s ECM and sensor suite is more powerful than the F-35’s. I’m not sure where you pulled me saying it was stealthier from that?

Obvious troll is obvious.

As long as they pass the fitness tests, it’s all good in the hood as far as I’m concerned. If you’re able to physically and mentally do the job, you should be allowed to. My only concern comes when aren’t able to lug my 195 pound unconscious ass out of a burning building.

The same sensor suite (possibly even better) is mounted on the Growler, so I’m not sure what your point is there? And sure you can drop the drop tanks, but how is the fighter going to get back after the engagement? It’s effective combat range is 2,200km, which is still shy of the 2,900km it needs to fly after dropping

Yes our air force’s mission is patrol and deterrent. Which is much better accomplished by a VISIBLE presence. And how does one disappear and reappear? Fine, if you’re maneuvering, they’ll get sensor ghosts. The biggest problem with your flying POS, is that it can’t even reach the damn engagement area without drop

Except that in Canada, our northern-most base in in Cold Lake, AB. Meaning that any intercept over our northern territories has to fly at least 3000km to even get to the combat area, twice what the F-35 can go without drop tanks. And since all we want is to intercept, an interceptor fits the bill perfectly.

You see Ivan, when drop barrel with flare and laser-pointer attached have of same effect as Amerykansky bomb, why waste the Rubles? Comrade Putin will reward us! We will be of Russian Heroes!TM

Warsaw, Poland. Def worth visiting if you ever get the chance.

Yep, those red and yellow busses give it away.