
Yep, I’d even hazard a guess at Warsaw. I’d recognize those yellow and red busses anywhere! Made me nostalgic as he ripped through the city.

Have you ever actually been to H2O? Or a Classic car meet?

Oh how the turns have tabled.

Hope you had a good night! :)

Def a different aircraft. But, could be they don’t have an aerial photo of the aircraft in question. Or on the ground. They could also both be stock photos. In any case, the tarmac photo isn’t a diorama.

It’s not. Just a high-angle photo. Notice the dude looking up next to the starboard side wing.

I learned something today! Thanks! :)

Yup, couldn’t agree more. Also, make sure you get the full story from them, and don’t trust them when they say it just needs the carbs synced to run right. Odds are it has a large electrical problem, and the carbs haven’t been cleaned since it was firs run 25 years ago. (Thanks to my POS GSXR750 for teaching me this.

Aww poor America. Has to talk down an object that made it halfway around the world using only the goodwill of people, and their desire to participate in something really cool, just you can feel better about the fact that at least half your hockey players are Canadian, and we have ten times as many hockey gold medals

Are you sure? Because I’m in Canada and I’m pretty sure we can register for prime.

We dont know where the father is. However, I have a theory that he was working at the time. The mom is a college student with 2 kids, and I’m pretty sure welfare isn’t good enough to cover all three (honestly I dont know, but judging from how much I spend a month from my student loan, i’m pretty sure its not enough).

What I ride: 1990 Suzuki GSXR 750

I can’t speak for the other nations, but I can tell you that Canadians are seriously wondring why we’re investing in this boondoggle vs buying F-18 Super Hornets or some other ready to deploy fighter. It’s not all so cut and dried unfortunately. If the fighter was on schedule, yeah, I think Canada would be in it 100%.

Now playing

Diesels rev low for the most part, so it’s all about that bass.

Most of that black smoke is just soot. Relax.

I used 5 years as an arbitrary number. The fact is that the Baja has been running there since 1962. Plenty of time to be forewarned.

This is all that truck was missing.

It’s a single lane road, with canyon walls on one side, and spectators on the other. Or are you advocatiing he run over the fans because they came to watch this “event of the rich”?

Honestly, if it’s an annual event that has been running for more than 5 years, and you haven’t informed yourself of that fact before moving to the area, that’s on you. It’s like those people that move near a racetrack, and then get it shut down because they didn’t figure on the noise. Meanwhile they fire up their damn