
If PlayStation wants to stay on their own little multiplayer island, fine, whatever. I primarily play Fortnite on PC, and “portable” would be my preferred secondary console experience, so I’d happily forfeit my ability to play on PS4 in order to play on Switch instead. The fact that you simply don’t have the option to

A proper apology would be “I am extremely sorry for what I did.”

I’d go even further and say it’s not really an apology for what he did.

Her response online to that one guy who reached out (half-heartedly) spoke volumes about her character. I made sure to tweet a reply of encouragement in appreciation of how she’s handled all this.

I don’t think your neckbearded 4chan dwelling strawman is to blame in this case.

Generally I don’t follow streamers, but Annemunition is one of those that I’ve personally encountered online and left a mark on me. I was playing some Overwatch on the PTR server sometime ago, one of the builds that either included a new character or was a complete rework of another. I was playing Mercy and doing what

Asshole gamers do this so much then those incels wonder why the only female interaction they get is from the Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball body pillow they imported. What purpose does it serve to be an asshole like this over a video game, other than just to be an asshole?

Yeah really- too damn soon. Gotta wait until at least 2100 before this game can be made. Don’t want people learning about the very horrors you’re referencing in a parody that does, indeed, reference the unjust economic dependence of women in the era. The narrator should have been sobbing.

Well, her name and pic *are* there right between the title and text. That too.

As a Korean-American who was born in the States, this doesn’t surprise me as even I face some discrimination when I go back to visit. Sad truth is there will be racists and bigots no matter where you go.

Thank god foreigners and minorities are only treated poorly in Korea and Japan. Really hope this type of stuff doesn’t hit the ‘States!

I’ve heard really nasty things about how foreigners can be viewed and treated in Korea and Japan. I have a friend, a white guy, who spent something like 10 years in Korea, married there, and had a kid, and he recounted incidents where he and/or the kid would randomly have to take racial abuse from people in the

Bethesda... do the right thing. Give us some damn morsels about the next Elder Scrolls. DO THE RIGHT THING!!!

No one is saying they shouldn’t run ads. There are plenty of other ad formats that aren’t auto-playing videos smack-dab in the middle of long-form text content. Polygon does the same thing, and it’s basically a slap in the face to people like me who try to support sites by disabling ad-blockers.

How dare they use ads to fund free content!

The Kinja ads completely destroy what is otherwise a really nicely designed and well-written review. I counted 8, middle-of-the-content ads, 2 or 3 of which were incredibly distracting autoplaying videos. Come on guys... I really want to support long-form content like this, but I’m really close to enabling adblock

85 comments at the time of posting this, and NONE of them are talking about Shroud, but rather their own nostalgia for other games. Which is pretty much the perfect example of how badly this game has pancaked, despite being developed for 5 years, and persistent (no server wipes) since July 2016.

Well, not anymore.

I could easily sink 12 hours a day back when I was young. Then adulting happened. Many of us have no energy even we have time after work. That’s why we watch streamers play.

“But it’s great — I think a lot of kids want to get into video games. If you’re a creator, I kinda want my own sons to find their own way as opposed to, ‘Yes you should absolutely make games.’” Remember parents, Don’t force your kid down one path make sure they are able to find their own way and that you support