unless you want to talk to other gamer peoples in your 2 hour line then walmart is the best place for midnight release. my husband and i go there for games all the time. not sure if it was common among most stores but when we picked up Arkham City it came bundled with Arkham Asylum. so pretty much got 2 games for 60…
dont forget Leona, Lux, Tristana, Poppy and Karma. those are the ones off the top of my head that i know are modest.
oh man that's what my husband and i are doing. only we are taking Monday and Tuesday off for a 4 day weekend. :D
That is really good XD
Much better lol
Absolutely! I can imagine what the mother is going through right now. :(
That's the best t2 cosplay i have ever seen. Good job both 1st and 2nd place winners!
ohh man.
I completely read the head line in Jeremy Clarkson's voice, before i read the first paragraph. XD
I married Alistair, then threw Anora into a tower to be forgotten. I came into power as queen and leader of the Grey Wardens >:D
I lol'ed pretty hard. That is golden. XD
HAHA! i was going to post this, but was checking to see if anyone else did it. Bravo!!
haha i actually thought the peach game was funny due to mood swings finally being useful. XD (spoken from a female with occasional mood swings) i didn't finish the game though, -_- damn gaming ADD >.>
Honestly, Zelda should go save Link for once >.>
Amen -_- hope my friends and guild mates are ok.
i did to >_<
LOL my mom gave me a stick, a Pine-cone, and a box -_- she wasn't loaded with money >_>
uncharted 3? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. well good thing i only need 1 kidney to live >_>
@Jubilant: ^ completely agree! and i to live in Idaho.