
@Jubilant: ^ completely agree! and i to live in Idaho.

@Jubilant: ^ completely agree! and i to live in Idaho.

@Ajh: i know right? .<

oh. my. god. my husband and i neeeeeeeeeeed these .<

@Ajh: We are engineering our daughter to Heal and our son to tank so that my husband and i can FINALLY dps LOL .<

@legendnthemaking: i laughed so hard. then i had to explain it to my husband, then he laughed. so much win! XD

@Nazgul222: I lol'ed so hard when i saw this on AMV Hell 5 .< i couldn't belive my eyes. haha XD

@Cake Tank!: ugg im done with Cartoon network .

where in the world?.........

mmm Bowie

@davidgreen360: i believe marrowgar in ICC says bonestorm lol!!!

is that Tali with out a face mask in that pic? I'm not sure.