
He looked like he needed to pee so bad.

So Oracle was kind of like Cards Against Humanity?

Add rice krispies and coconut (and raisins for me, but not required) and this is what I grew up with my mom making all the time. We called them ranger cookies.

for some reason we keep getting near misses this year, but maybe Eta will be our punishment for Miami not going blue enough.

If the Cuban population can be convinced that the republicans don’t actually care about Cubans, and any socialized government programs that may be instituted under a Democratic president or Congress are not going to usher in the next Cuba or Venezuela, then Florida has a real chance. Unfortunately, we need more of the

There are definitely shows where they took like 2+ years to come back and I didnt have the motivation to rewatch the last season since I forgot everything because they took too long, so I just never picked it back up.

What about as Carter Slade/Caretaker from first Ghost Rider movie?

“I mean y’all pretty much built this country for us, why don’t you go ahead and fix it for us too. We’ll just sit over here and wait. Don’t expect us to help though.”

I walked into a jewelry store earlier on in lockdown and they had me face the security camera, lower my mask, then I could raise it and leave it up the rest of the time. This is not difficult.

Wouldn’t be surprised if she has her own spot and doesn’t even have a car, but still feels the need to police them anyway.

*Miami Marlins - but definitely deserve the “Florida” title

I wish more of those books were turned into movies. I have ready all 20+ Dirk Pitt novels and they are just fun (if a bit formulaic).

If/when a kid comes into the picture I’ll really get it since I want my fiance/at that point wife to speak Spanish in the house - if I flounder so be it, I’ll figure it out.

It does for those of us who live hear and aren’t like these idiots, but I understand the sentiment.

You still need to constantly use it. Grew up speaking Spanish with my grandparents, but they passed away before I started high school. Mom doesn’t speak a word of Spanish so dad (Spanish speaking grandparents were his parents) never spoke it around the house. I can just get by now, but I was much better as a child. My

It guess it comes down to personal taste. I had an ‘18 Atlas for 2 years then got rear-ended and they wrote it off as totaled. I figured it was an opportunity to find something else. I really liked the Telluride from what I had seen and read in reviews (especially the better mpg, my Atlas always got around 15mpg), but

The problem is it takes too long to explain what was really installed, and the idiots who just believe the social media posts that the govt is tracking us wont take the time to actually look into it. They a screenshot of something that says tracking and that is all they need.

That’s what I’m trying to understand. 5 weeks off in summer sounds great, but I assume enough has to stay open for society to function. Do companies with international components also close, even if the local side could afford to close.

Then he can man up and say he supports police, there are plenty of people who do, including most of his fans do.

Why is the blue line flag the one used for ALL first responders in his mind? If he loves his firefighter uncle they make the same flag with a red line for firefighters - use that one.