
I never really understood Airbnb for individuals or couples. It always works best for me when I have a group of friends going on a trip and we can find 2-3 bedroom place for all of us to stay for cheaper than 3 separate hotel rooms.

“in line” or “on line”? Most people seem to be one way or the other, but you used both and I dont think I have ever seen that.

See I thought of Fallen, but alien instead of demon.

Depends on the new jurisdiction and what they accept. Florida (where I practice) will allow a Will that meets the formalities of the jurisdiction it was created in to be valid in Florida. This doesn’t mean that all provisions will be valid though. Even though the Will is accepted, if you say in the Will you want to

I had “heard” about it (only a few years ago, because like others this was not covered in my history classes - high school or college) but my girlfriend who isnt from the US had no point of reference so I googled it to be better able to explain it without fucking it up.

What do you mean by “wipe away”? Front to back?

That’s kind of the way I feel, but my OG Pixel XL is on its last legs. I dont mind paying the $1,000 (I would would want 4XL 128GB), but it needs to be worth the price. For that price I can get s10+ or OP 7pro and get better stats. But I always liked clean Google, quick updates, and unlimited picture backup - dont

Bite size twix is about the most chocolate I am going to eat. Give me skittles, gummy bears, starbursts, smarties, nerds, etc.

As I kid I loved the raspberry soda version of New York Seltzer.

Thanks. I am not an IPA person, but a local brewery has a guava milkshake IPA (Beat Culture Brewing) and I have been hesitant to try it. If it is not overly hoppy like a normal IPA with guava, I might give it a try next time I go.

Do you know any good battery packs (other than Dell’s own products) that can charge a Dell laptop that requires 130W charging?

Do you know any good battery packs (other than Dell’s own products) that can charge a Dell laptop that requires 130W

I find if I click on another story and then come back the comments appear (using firefox).

Many a day I wish I had done something like construction. Show up, do my manual labor away from other people, go home.

For me, and I imagine others like me (but maybe not, maybe I’m strange), I dont actually want social interaction. I’m perfectly fine sitting in my office doing my job and not talking to anyone all day. I could never do retail because my personality is not compatible with dealing with people, even nice ones, all day

But those aren’t the only options. Yes, given those two, I pick jokes. But I will pick “awkward silence” (which I do not find awkward) or no personality (as bgrigg mentioned) every time.

Thank you.

Thanks - I knew it was below federal exemption. I practice in Florida so my exposure to state specific stuff like this is minimal - we usually try to tell our clients with ties to NY (or other states with a state estate tax) to make sure they are residents of Florida and to not own any real property in their individual

Most elaborate we did was deep fry a turkey (twice).

Die in 2019, you have to have more than $11,400,000 to worry about federal estate tax.