
I have Pixel XL1:

40 hours is 40 hours, but as a fellow white collar worker, I would be going from 50 hours at my desk to 40. Guessing my boss wont like that. Plus my job cant be automated until the law changes.

You’re right because that probably took him a year, but also the lines are too clean which means he still used a razor (or more likely paid someone to use a razor) to line everything up.

Thank you.

Eh, most houses down here are decently insulated to make sure we keep the cold in when the A/C is cranked 10 months out of the year. My townhouse never gets below 70 inside, even when it drops to low 50's outside.

Do I know what “real cold” is? No. I live in Miami. But it was fucking 58 here this morning and my soft ass was uncomfortable. I am not built for the shit people up north are going through, but I will continue to complain when I myself am inconvenienced. You can laugh at me complaining, just like I laugh at people who

This song was my favorite part of the show

Thanks. I assumed the server area stuff, and the other reasons make sense. And I dont ask to be moved, I get what I get. But if I’m walking into a restaurant that is empty and not likely to fill up before I leave, say a 5:00pm dinner on a random night, the server isn’t going to be busy anyway so what does it hurt to

Off topic regarding seating incomplete parties, but since you mentioned seating arrangements, in an empty restaurant why do I get seated next to the only other party in the restaurant. I mean they could have 20 empty tables but I get sat withing 10 ft of the only other occupied table. Is it just to keep server

If go to buy it Amazon is recommending you buy a newer model that's $5 less and is also a two pack

If go to buy it Amazon is recommending you buy a newer model that's $5 less and is also a two pack

Well that’s discouraging. I got the same thing from mine. Then again, we have been dating for about 4 months and I had no idea what to get her so I ended up with jewelry from some place my sister recommended (albeit I picked something with paw prints because I know she loves her dogs, so some thought was expended).

Please other them further, maybe then the Latin people who still somehow vote Republican and watch Fox News will understand they are not welcome in the Republican party other than for their votes.

He donated $1,000,000 of his own money to help pay for their new indoor practice facility. Figured he'd ride out his contract to at least get as much out of the school as possible.

One of the episodes of Weediquette in their first season talked about the cottage industry of private security forces (I think in Colorado) that have been created to transfer and hold the cash for dispensaries. They have their own armored vehicles and armed guards to make transfers, and they have high security

Giving gifts you know someone wants is fun. Trying to think of something just to satisfy the requirement of giving a gift is annoying. I wish it was socially acceptable to just buy my friends a present throughout the year when I see something they want and just say this is an early bday/xmas present. And I hate buying

Was your screening at 2:00pm on Saturday? I randomly came across it while looking for a movie to see. It was not advertised at all. Curious if it was in other parts of the country (or maybe you’re in Miami like me).

I too saw a screening last weekend - there were definite parts where it almost looked like I was supposed to be wearing 3D glasses, but there weren’t many.

So I saw this last weekend. Does anyone know why there was a random 2:00pm screening last Saturday? I know it was in at least several theaters in Miami. I didnt see it on the board when I walked by the ticket booth, but when I was on the AMC app looking for something to see while at home there it was. Dont know if it

From your lips to Gods’s ears.

And yet, not all of us are STEM inclined. No matter how good I am at being a lawyer, I need to network if I want people to call me. Maybe in a few years once I’ve built up a consistent base of clients where word of mouth about my abilities is sufficient I could stop (my boss doesn’t network anymore), but being the