
A photographer I follow on IG met her boyfriend on Tinder because his main pic was him holding his cat backwards and aiming the cat’s butthole at the camera - no pixelation.

We have 4 breweries in about a 5 block radius in Miami, and thankfully none of them are IPA focused, though they all have at least a couple (the menus range from 10-15 beers at each place). I struggle to find beers I like since my preferred style tends to be Belgian Strong, Tripel or Quad, and three out of four carry

Thanks for the heads up. Having never used, and debating whether to pull the trigger on sinemia, now I know not to count this as a worthwhile perk. And considering I spend $15 a movie in concessions, if it had been concessions it would have been a no brainer.

I wrote and deleted a longer reply.

Please, no Melo. Mostly because I dont think its possible to get those things from him.

Ohio St. fans look petty.

Pretty much. And that game was only game I went to in the Swamp in my 5 years in Gainesville. I even got tickets through UM so I could sit in the UM section.

To be fair, I didn’t hate Florida until I went there. Miami hadn’t played Florida since I was 3 so I had no memories of a rivalry. Then I went there for undergrad, and it was all downhill.

Why did hangers guy ask his question that way? Isn’t the point of the question essentially - when looking at your closet, which way do you want the fronts of your shirts to face - left or right?

This national champioship was my worst nightmare. The two schools I hate most and one of them was going to win a championship at the end.

Yeah, if Jez is ending, please just pull the band-aid off now and let us know. This slow trickle of goodbyes is sad, but I feel like it is just slow playing some bigger bad news. I promise if you tell me its over I’ll still read all the goodbyes anyway.

I saw Jordan Hinson (Zoe) in something recently and it triggered me to go back and rewatch it (starting season 4 now). Still holds up for me.

I missed Salli Richardson Whitfield’s directing credit when watching, but I recently was looking at her IMDb because I’m rewatching Eureka (wondering what she has been up to recently) and saw it there. Didn’t know she was directing now. And while she was not a 90's crush for me, I loved her on Eureka (which was 10

While I would take plain hot dog over Chicago Dog, I am still a just ketchup on a hot dog person. As for brands - Hebrew National or Sabrett are my go to.

The way I read that tweet, there was a window or a sidelight or something and the driver saw the BF on the couch before BF answered the door. So if the case law is seeing something through an open window then maybe there is a case. I personally think if you care about privacy close your blinds, but I dont know what

I live in Miami, but I NEVER take cold showers. Best I can do is room temperature, but I will never turn on just the cold water.

I think you’re within your rights to pirate it (even if you have to watch a cam version) just to not have anything spoiled. Then you can go pay to watch it the way it was meant to be seen in August.

read the books, watched the first season, never got around to watching the other seasons.

Maybe this has been discussed elsewhere and I missed it, but do we know why they were filmed with censorable material if they always knew it was intended for Syfy and would have to be censored?