
That’s fair. I can appreciate that both exist, I’m just glad I can listen my way without callers and the ones that call can listen to another station that will answer their calls.

Based on other comments I assume you are in Miami. I cannot listen to 560 because they take callers (except immediately post Canes game, but as soon as it goes to second post game show with callers I’m out).

I had cops to come to the section next to mine a few rows behind me early in the game. looked like they just wanted to talk with the people and nothing developed from it, thankfully.

vice versa for me - law school was fun, being a practicing lawyer not so much

I can’t get away with nerdy stuff at my current job, but in college it was the 90's x-men cartoon intro

I’ve seen this in staff chats on Jez or Deadspin, but how many of you are journalism majors? If not journalism, what did you study before landing at io9?

Live alone - I do fine making a big mess all on my own.

I just throw the shirt out

If that is the way my post came across, I apologize.

He’s the Marlins of quarterbacks, no playoff wins except the two times they won it all.

Any man who isn’t a sex predator should frankly be insulted by being lumped into one bag with those creeps, but somehow, many aren’t.

If she even remembers it

This issue with living in Miami is if I want to leave the state it’s a minimum 6 hour drive, and then the only options are Georgia/Alabama.

As I live somewhere where it rains on a fairly regular basis that means satellite is out. I’ve been pissed at too many frozen screens with progress bars when it starts raining during whatever sporting event I’m watching, or coming back to my DVR and finding it only recorded half a show because it rained while I was

Best known actor I have is Michael Sheen. But I got athletes: Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar, Kelvin Bejamin, Terrence Ross, and Hank Aaron.

Gabrielle Union and D-Wade as Milli Vanilli

I’ve notice this before on the site, but her last name is Annable, not Annabelle. Though I can believe spellcheck fucks that up most of the time.

It took me multiple readings to even notice why there was difference between the corrected version now showing and what you quoted. I read it as he meant it (10 straight losses at home). This is why I such at editing. I dont see what’s on the page, I see what context is telling me is supposed to be there.

My issue is while I am fine doing most things on my own, I’ve never traveled alone, and trying to coordinate schedules with friends who are interested in the same things as me never seems to work out. I have the money and the time to go to interesting places, I just never have people to go with. So instead I go back

So Peter vs. the chicken?