
My sister got in (my app wont get past CC info screen) and apparently the theater I frequent most (and can walk to) is not included. But I go to other theaters too so it still pays for itself if I see one movie a month at the other theaters.

outside.. like way outside... like the catcher stands up and sticks his arm out outside

I don’t understand how she could walk away if she also wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. As in when she came to her leg wouldn’t have been broken? Or she may have broken other bones, but not her leg?

But we’re proud of you

Yeah I was hot when credits rolled and I looked at the clock and it said 52 minutes had passed.

I just dont like hot cheese that much. I want a cold slice on my hot burger, so it goes on right before I close it up and start eating. But I also like cold ketchup so I accept that I’m weird.

But Drogon this episode has to have been most of this season’s VFX budget right? They cant do that again this season can they (though I hope they do)?

But how is that different than the parents who have chosen to send their children to private school for as long as free public school has been around? Because these parents have a “religious” reason to send their child somewhere else they should get their money back?

And they don’t get to ask for public funds for those private schools. Public funds are for schools that accept everyone.

I figure once Jon knows the show will have a reason to introduce Howland Reed (ostensibly coming to check on his daughter who he has not seen in what seems like years but I dont know how long it has been in story) who can vouch for Jon’s heritage as the only person still living from that day at the Tower of Joy (other

My strictly anecdotal evidence is in Miami, outside of highly professional settings, it is hand on the shoulder and lean in to fake kiss/touch cheeks with people of the opposite sex. Even as a lawyer if it is a female client I see on a regular basis it is common for her to lean in expecting the “kiss” on the cheek. In

I read it as us people in the big cities dont know what its like everywhere else when they have to deal with non-English speakers. Just because city-dwellers have gotten used to it doesnt mean the rest of the country wants to. Then again I’m just taking the meanest version of what he probably meant, maybe he had

[not legal advice, see a lawyer] I would also say, do the math and see if hiring an attorney is worth it to avoid paying some of the debts. At least in Florida, any creditor of a decedent is entitled to notice of the decedent’s death, after which they have to file a claim in a probate proceeding (if you open one). If

Putting aside the fact that he likely has lost it... While Harrenhal the castle is a white elephant, the lands associated with the title of Lord of Harrenhal would be significant and would make him somewhat of a player in the game and (at least according to awoiaf because I forgot this) he was going to be the new

That would make sense.

Did Littlefinger lose Harrenhall? Does he even have it in the show? They dont talk about it much and its been years since I read the books.

How long before Jon and Dany find out they’re related? I’m guessing season finale since I imagine Bran will make it back to Winterfell some time soon and he knows, but it also seems like something they would leave for season finale.

Hialeah at its finest

Nah, I can be happy for my friends having a child and still be beyond annoyed that I have to attend a stupid reveal party, especially since I do not in fact care whether they are having a boy or girl.

Seems like it belongs on Literotica, not on a regular bookshelf.