
+1 for the Dan Fielding reference. I havent heard that name in years.

Thanks. I happen to agree with you, but always nice to hear I’m not crazy in thinking that way.

I am an attorney and am in no way passionate about my work. But the attorney I work with is approaching 80, and while I have no desire to take over his practice, I also feel a responsbility not to leave him hanging at this point in his career. I would much prefer to quit and go work in house for a bank where I could

I see all of these articles about vacations and needing/deserving time off, and I would like clarification: do these millennials you counsel all work for large corporations where they absolutely owe no allegiance to the corporate machine?

The answer to the question is “No, duh”

From a Chris Rock bit around 2000 (this is how you take that argument to the absurd and show them how stupid they sound).

I had heard (and maybe it is urban myth) that the police can subpoena DNA from these companies for matching against evidence in open investigations. Whether you are a criminal or not that alone is a scary thought.

When are MLS games played? Weeknights? Weekends? Both?

Fair enough, though I wasn’t the OP who you initially responded to.

While agree with you that I dont think they will have a problem, the people you named were all relatively popular actors before GoT. The Stark kids and Dany were not (at least to my knowledge). We will see how they do.

I didnt realize this was a concern to have. But I am glad that Cenlar did it correctly to begin with. When my refi got handed off to Cenlar I kept up my same mortgage payments even though the required payment had gone down about $100. My statement after my first payment showed the payment toward required amount then a

I just assumed he was lazy (I am not an English major but I assumed his use of “to have replaced” was not a reference to paying someone to do it but just an awkward turn of phrase). I can change my wiper blades fine, probably in under a minute per blade, but its still something I have to think to do, which I don’t

“Fuck Bitches Get Money” if I remember correctly (I’m not going back to periodic table to confirm)

Spice channel (I dont even know if Spice is still around anymore)

fair enough

I’m curoius how much luck men have in replying to ads from women since most seem to be pros or bots. The article almost made it sound like it easier for a guy to post an ad and hope it clicks with a legitimate women on CL looking as opposed to trying to find a real person in a sea of BS posts.

I love Mero

First place I thought of when reading this but for the life of me I couldnt remember the name, even though I drove past it for 5 years.

Maybe I’m in the minority but I’ll take OG Law & Order over SVU any day.

I agree on science/history channels. I remember watching History a lot growing up, but I dont know the last time I watched it now. I abhore reality television. As for dramas, TV is escapism for me, its why I tend to watch superhero/fantasy/science-fictiony stuff. The realer/sadder it is the less likely I am to watch