
Does no one use their phone while it’s charging? I have no use for wireless because if I’m about to die at home I’ll plug in and keep using it. Why would I want to have to put my phone down while it charges. I like that type c means I can pay less attention to how I grab the charging cord, but wireless doesn't do


He would be the perfect host actually.

Maybe like Drunk History... get sports writers/historians drunk and have them tell the great sports stories of our time but change the ending and have actors come in and play out the new ending

No, that is the Dolphins

Agreed. I love my nexus, but ever since i switch 5._, battery life has fluctuated on day to day basis (my usage doesn’t vary that much), phone lags CONSIDERABLY after about 48 hours up time to the point I have to restart it. These were not issues before Lollipop. Hasn’t made me give up my N5, or make me want to look

Same for my mom with my name: Michael v Mike. Though loathe may be a bit strong for her feelings on the subject, but she corrected plenty of people when I was growing up.

Michael here. My mother corrected every person who called me Mike or Mikey when I was growing up with that exact logic. “If I wanted to call him Mike I would have named him Mike, his name is Michael.” I don’t think I have ever itroduced myself as Mike to anyone, it’s not my name (but I don’t correct my friends that

While I generally agree with you, as most of the schools I rowed against in high school were as you describe, being the only public school in my half of the state with a crew team, we traveled on public school money and did not roll like that.

Please explain this to my 75 year old boss (attorney) who wears shirt/tie no jacket to work every day, and expects me to do the same. I have worn him down to tie only when clients are in the office (of course jacket and tie when going to court).

Lady, I AM the manager.

I don’t understand where the bitterness comes from though. I’m painfully inexperienced, but I dont imagine I would come off as bitter or angry at women. In my mind it is because I have always been, to use the various terms floating around here, chubby, soft, etc. (6’2”, anywhere from 220-250). That is not the woman’s

This is almost the exact timeline (length of dating and marriage) my sister is going through but roles reversed. Found out they were pregnant and decided he “didnt want to be married anymore” and just wasn’t happy. While most of my family hates him now, I understood not wanting to be unhappy the rest of his life. Then

Jets v. Dolphins on 10/4 is in London.

I cheer for hometown team and lip service to law school. Undergrad was in-state rival, though in a different conference, but since it was in-state school tuition was dirt cheap - wasn’t passing that up. I still wore hometown colors all through undergrad. Law school was in another state and isn’t very good at football.

My own dog does that to me, but its when she goes to get off of my lap. So when I begin to feel her move I just cover up and inevitably she plants a paw right on my hand protecting myself.

I wish I still in college so I could go back and play them all again, watching all the cutscenes because that is what it made a perfect blend of movie and game. I hate that I have forgotten more than I remember about these games, other than I have loved them all. I don’t know when I will have time to get to MGSV, but

One of my favorite lines in any movie and I feel like it doesn’t get used enough to shut down idiots.

I wish I had stumbled onto something like this when I was finishing law school. I think I would be infinitely more happy than I am as a lawyer currently.