
He sure is. Usher gave him a Lamborghini for his 16th.

Yes, that onus of proof on the prosecutor certainly bedevils the justice system; why aren't we making it guilty until proven innocent?

Uncle Ruckus?

I'm surprised you can spot anything with a head that far up your own ass.

One of the problems outlined in this review is that there is an absence of any robust settings that would allow for such customization; in this review's perspective, this is compounded because the default is too messy for novices absent any way to make it smoother, as well as being absent the ability to make it more

So, anyone who, uh, saw a friend play this it substantially different from 2? Like, is this a day 1 buy for me, or am I fine holding off?

So, I'm new to TF2 (yes, yes, I'm a free to player, but I've upgraded to premium via some purchases) and I'm loving it, of course, and have put in 22 hours so far. I do have a question: Wtf is with the hate for the Pyro? I just do not get the "faggy noob" strain of insults geared toward it. I mean, yes, you can light

If I've ever had a WiFi issue with my iPhone 3GS, it's been the router affecting many different devices.

Welcome to Canada, neighbour.

I consider the compromise of any nuclear power facilities to be a bad hack.

On purpose!

Article links are your friend.

I was capable 5 hours ago; the fuck did you bring it up for again?

Now, I'm assuming it's a Gawker screw up that I only got a glimpse of your charming comment that has now vanished, or maybe you deleted it. Regardless, I do hope and assume it's caused by you're being patriotically drunk, presuming you're American; I'm fairly sure it's your civic duty to be near passed out by this

I think that you provided neither an original thought (as both the article quotation from the inventor and the author article cover your original comment's skepticism) or any information not covered in either article. On principle I have a permanent disagreement with inane comments, so I certainly disagree with yours.

Well thanks for the trite capitulation that you're wrong, anyway. Personal attacks are a great red flag to that effect.

You can appropriate the darker parts of human history in a way that is either completely inexplicit and meaningless (like Cold Mountain), or utilize a creative medium to express a chapter of history, which necessarily shouldn't be sanitized of its darker aspects for integrity's sake, like a video game or certainly a

How is that sensationalist? The author is actually inferring that "it's only a matter of time" is a phrase typical of these crazy sounding new technologies, alluding to the fact that seldom do they ever live up to expectation in a reasonable timeline. If anything, it's an attempt to temper the inventor's hyperbole. So

Descendants of slaves, I'd imagine, are one group who might take offense to the commercial promotion of a military uniform that represents a group which claimed anti-abolitionism as a major part of its cassus belli.

" Duke University researchers have perfected (on a small scale)"