
Radical Entertainment hasn't been the same company for ages, so this isn't surprising. All their best talent became entirely dissatisfied with management and splintered off to form Hothead. My cousin was one of their lead programmers and he said the management was abysmal and they just got very lucky for the most part

"... Hollywood, Microsoft with be making an importan announcement."

Good God. It's an explosion that is also destroying the American flag in the process. That's it in terms of literal imagery, and you can take whatever message you want from that; however, the ignorance around the most elementary understanding of the image is ridiculous.

It was $5 million USD according to all source articles. Where are you basing your assertion of 5K?

Of course they're bloody rushing, they churn out 3-6 posts an hour on a regular day on a medium that is by nature instantaneous. Blogs are not newspapers, nor do they seek to be (or at least they shouldn't). They are much more fluid due to their medium but one of the drawbacks is a less vigorous and more mechanized

A human also reads not left to right but rather a scattershot where we read and then reassemble, which is why under normal reading so lnog as the lsat two ltetres are corcert you can raed waht I witre jsut fnie. Under editing though? The more pressure the more likely these things slip through the cracks.

Won wouldn't show up in a spell check.

He was Lord of Winterfell and later Hand of the King, he never was one of the Kings in the North— his son, Robb Stark, is the first King in the North since Aegon's conquest of the Seven Kingdom, hence why it's the Seven Kingdoms ruled by one Iron Throne. The reference in this instance is the fact that he was named

We've developed a strange hybrid as a result of our inheriting the Westminster system (which of course the US gave the old heave-ho a few hundred years ago) but most definitely the US emphasizes states' rights far more then Canada. Whereas the political battle between states and the federal American government tends

Well, there's your answer hahahah. Much as I don't listen to what Ontario media says about Alberta and the west, I wouldn't trust what western media says about Ontario/Quebec. There's way too much bad blood between the east and west for the respective media to fairly portray eachother.

Yeah, I do disagree. You really can't think of one? Not, oh say, the Parti Quebecois, with its 35% of the popular vote and 51 electoral seats currently. The PQ is the official opposition for the Quebec legislature and is absolutely a major party in the province that is also entirely unique to the province. Even the

Except that it's 3.78% as of the last election and as neither the province of Quebec nor Canada employs a system of direct proportional representation, the popular vote is much less valuable than the number of seats elected. In this case that number is 0, except for one election where they elected a single seat for a

Them being a provincial party doesn't inherently make them a main party, just like some random, ridiculous party that ran only in Ontario wouldn't immediately put it up there with the Liberals, Conservatives and NDP; likewise, the Lib/Con/NDP are major parties both federally and provincially, it's illogical to

The fact that you choose to characterize it as a 'main party' as if to suggest that it is some legitimate opposition force that a chunk of Quebec consistently votes for when it couldn't be further from the truth is relevant.

Oh yes, that major party that has never cracked 5% of the vote and/or elected more than one seat to the legislature.

Others have chimed in on this, but having a less misleading headline such as "Games Watch Fifty Million Hours..." would make the headline a lot punchier. Most readers do not contextualize such massive sums in units as small as minutes.

Then why are you commenting if you have no frame of reference by which to contextualize the images?

To my mind, if you want to have a discussion about the merits of SMB's place within surrealism, it's useful to return to the founder of surrealism, Andre Breton. He codified and named surrealism, and provided this very useful definition of surrealism in his 1924 Surrealist Manifesto:

That would be 67 inches; she is 5'7, give or take.

Except for Rachel Adler, present in Conan Doyle's original series as well as the films.