
I don't think this has anything to do with how you express yourself. I think it has to do with you treating your own willful ignorance as more important and better-informed than somebody else's real-life experiences that they are offering to share with you. I hope you find that this is valuable and constructive

If blatantly racist trolling is how you treat people you like, I hope I can change your mind very quickly.

No, I just know panicked race-baiting when I see it.

Holy crap, I guess I do have to break this down for you. No, Japanese Katy Perry fans would probably not have the same opinions of Katy Perry's oriental fetishist behavior if they knew the extent to which overall American oriental fetishism goes (and though KP's VMA performance is just a small slice of this, it's

Also, okay, since you went there, nitpick note. You make the distinction between "Japanese Americans," which is the category you put me in, and "Japanese (as in, your bullshit parameters of Japaneseness)," which I guess you established as disparate from me. In American culture, "Japanese Americans" are primarily

Omg and now with these "well Japanese Americans are like this but actual Japanese people" classic Katy Perry stan party lines. As though a performance that took place in the United States has no obligation to consider how the performance affects Americans. And as though something being potentially acceptable in a

Oh boy, now I get to play take-apart-my-background-so-stranger-on-the-Internet-can-decide-I'm-not-"Japanese"-enough-and-continue-her-white-supremacist-steamroll-bullshit!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME, LET'S FUCKING DO THIS.

You win.

finger > eyeroll hehe

Oh man, I thought it was sarcasm too. Curse you Poe's Law!

I didn't realize you weren't joking.

I'm kind of over people acting like just because someone is ignorant we should give them a pass.

Oh that's straight up horseshit right there. Just because someone doesn't have a traditional learning path doesn't mean their views aren't important.

Famous high school drop outs that occasionally have very interesting things to say:

This woman is nominated for several Grammys and Janelle Monae is not.

"People without brains do an awful lot of talking"—the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz

Oh, I think it came from ignorance all right, but the big problem is that she learned nothing from the experience. She's willfully ignorant at this point, and that's problematic.

"I was thinking about unconditional love, and I was thinking: Geishas are basically, like, the masters of loving unconditionally."

Katy Perry Thinks Nothing, Says Things Though

She lost her virginity at 16 in the front seat of a Volvo sedan while listening to Jeff Buckley's album Grace.