
I also don't care for the implication that Doyin's wife isn't strong due to her race. Pardon me? Really? Last I checked, the Japanese onna-bugeisha were pretty bad-ass, as were the Apache women who fought in battle, or my ancestors, the Celts. How about the women of just about every race currently serving the

What in the fresh hell are you TALKING ABOUT?

But isn't this phenomenon part of equality? But instead of reaching new heights, we're just making a race for the bottom.

Why should he have to make excuses for falling in love with a non black woman? Why is it his obligation to address the devaluation of black women just because he fell in love and married a non black woman? Come on.

LOVE this meme...

Shhhh! If you let him KNOW you want to eat his baby, he won't let you! Covert ops!

I love this tiny hairbrush in this massive man-hand.

You, sir, are the best.

I'm a woman and my nephews are about the same age differential as these girls, and I think this picture is a big deal because he has them both so successfully wrangled, no one is screaming/crying/"jokingly" running into traffic, and he's accomplishing a task. I'd say the same if it was a picture of his wife.


Saw this a couple days ago and it gave me all the feels then and I really have nothing to contribute to this except that I love this and I've been thinking about it ever since. On the off-chance Monsieur Richards would read the comments of li'l ol' me:

This post made me a cry a bit. It's very well-written! I, too, hope that one day that this won't be a big deal.


It's important to note that free speech in Canada is very different than free speech in the USA.

As a Canadian ...I'm glad to see this happening in my country.

Well its a big deal for us in Canada, Not everyone who reads this is American even if it is based in the US.

That aside, in Canada its not unheard of for judges to reference rulings from other countries including the USA, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case for American courts as well.

I think if Twitter threats were being made via phone calls to your house, they would be taken at least somewhat more seriously, and law enforcement would have at least some reference point in how to deal with them. Why should this be any different, legally speaking?

And even if she had been of age to consent, they judged her too intoxicated to take care of herself, so how would her "consent" have been valid? He admitted to "having sex" with her. She was 14 and drunk. That is rape by the legal definition and he confessed!

Our justice system has completely given up on prosecuting rapes. More and more the prosecutors say things like, "Well, we only had the rape kit and the testimony and her injuries and and and ... but he says he didn't do it and no one has it on tape. What could we do?" I mean, his friend even admitted that he taped