
This was for Halloween- she was Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. It was actually really fabulous.

Ya know, I have a dark brown gel liner that I like from her, but I have a dark blue one that sucks and is really dry. I think the key is to not get ones with any shimmer.

For my generation, I think we've always thought of Martha Stewart as a frumpy, uptight, loose fitting blouse and pleated khakis type. So her being at all obsessed with any beauty products or regimen seems uncharacteristic of what we assume she's like. Then I remember that Martha was a stone-cold fox in her youth and

This is why I was shocked to hear that Marlise Munoz is on life support because of a 14 week fetus present at the time of her death. That fetus was about 3 inches long and had not yet developed many internal organs, including the lungs. Yet lots of people have commented online that they should just put the "baby" in

I think I can safely say that isn't what she meant. We should acknowledge that some women think nothing of it, some women are crushed, and some women feel the entire spectrum of emotions, after aborting a pregnancy.

The headline is misleading. She doesn't pay $2,000 a day for these treatments, and she doesn't do all of them every day. I'm guessing this is about what most middle- to upper-class women spend on products. Hell, I know a lot of poor girls who shop exclusively at Sephora for makeup and skin/hair care. You do you,

I think what the author was trying to convey is that women have every right to feel however they feel about the abortion, good or bad. We shouldn't judge women having abortions for feeling good about or or feeling bad about it. The language is a tad clumsy and probably would have benefited from some follow up

(She spritzes herself with Fracas three times a day. Fracas, you guys.)

In addition, a lot of women who have abortions are married and already have children, so they DEFINITELY know what it's all about.

Well now I'm hungry.

Off-topic alert! I really hate the fact that movies and other forms of art don't show abortion more often. Do you ever notice that whenever a woman has an unplanned pregnancy she either gets "lucky" and has a miscarriage or decides magically that she would be happy with a child? And whenever abortion is showcased it's

Know why it doesn't sway women?

This isn't to say that women shouldn't feel bad about having an abortion...

I went hunting for my first ultrasound photo:

A massive new study has disproved the common conservative notion that women who want abortions are idiots who don't know what a pregnancy is; even after looking at ultrasounds, more than 98% of them went ahead with the procedure.

I hate this stupid thing. Someone please tell me where to get a house elf that will clean, cook, and do laundry, that is reserved for childless people.

I am an A #1 hater when it comes to rich people, and person number 1, you're doing everything right. Seriously.

Totally agree. I have one very rich friend and we have talked about it — I was unemployed for a couple of years and still have loads of student loan debt, etc., and she and her husband take international trips every other month or so and live in a gorgeous giant house and are thinking about getting a boat. She asked

As a poor person with lot of rich friends I can say that the mere fact that you are rich doesn't particularly offend me but there are two things that my friends do that can seriously piss me off: