
When asked how coach Mackinnon told him he would be the one catching an errant shot, L.D. Williams simply said, "he told me to pull a Plax."

I inherited my love of boxing from my father.

Bro. Hey, Bro. Bro. BRO! I can tell you something ELSE girls really hate getting in their hair, Bro. And it's not spelled G-u-m, I can tell you that much, BRO!

He has gifts you can't teach: hands, height, and heart.

And here I thought this article was going to be about a lost recording of Hemingway's last moments.

And this is why, generations from now, the uncontrollable urge to press ones testicles against another person will be known as Downing Syndrome.

If you just change an "R" to an "F" in that headline, Sarah Jessica Parker gets cancer.

The survey fails to mention, however, that lacrosse players are meticulous about cleaning up after their drug-fueled rampages. BECAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS!

Leyritz To New Rangers Ace: Don't Get A D-Yu-I

"That would never happen in a bar. And if it did, I would leave."

the Patriot-News actually published a number of stories about the existence of the grand jury

The Trinity president is going to be so embarrassed when he has to live up to his end of the bet and pose for a picture in a pair of Yale boat shoes.

Jesus, guys. Calm down. Quit giving Byrne the third degree.


If the Warriors keep giving opponents that many free throws, they're going to end up in The Lottery.

You guys can keep your fruity artsy movies. I'll be over here watching The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.

That's probably a kickoff return in the football scene. There's a quick shot of the kicker holding his hand up like they do before a kickoff. I agree that the effects in that scene were really bad- hopefully it gets prettied up.

That's fantastic.

When asked what it's like moving so far away from his family and friends, Kaman said "it's like I'm on an island."

Lisa Ann was tremendous in that movie.