I've enjoyed your stuff for years, and this might be the best thing you've ever written. Best wishes to your wife and son.
I've enjoyed your stuff for years, and this might be the best thing you've ever written. Best wishes to your wife and son.
I'm amazed that guy still has teeth after years of eating turnbuckles.
Peyton wasn't allowed to pitch because he just kept shaking off signals for 39 seconds and ended up throwing whatever he he thought would work at the last second.
Really? Are we going to sit here and pretend that we ALL don't see the glaring difference between these two covers? Fine, I'll be the one who addresses the elephant in the room.
A minor cut above Klitschko's eye led to an awkward exchange after the fight. When a reporter asked how his small gash was doing, Klitschko coldly replied, "I don't see what Hayden has to do with today's bout."
Boy, this guy was really determined to end up wearing stripes.
How else would you like them to sum up a sucky sucky situation?
Tempus Fugitive
I love bu, kakke.
... oh god damnit.
Wow. Thanks.
Into my failed attempt at humor? Nowhere.
He became the face of the franchise's second sustained run of championship success
Jesus, Drew. Even for you, this is monstrous. I will never understand how anybody who has ever brought life into this world can lose sight of how lucky they are. Every day I say a prayer of thanks that I get to come home to my sweet, precious, adorable little tax credits.
[Pushes glasses up to bridge of nose] This probably wasn't live. Sportscasters usually tape the morning stuff late the night before, after the 11pm news. Whoever cut this just didn't watch it and sent the wrong version. The morning director dumped out of it (to black) when it became clear something was wrong.
"Double Oops" was also the cute pet name my dad used for my brother and I... I guess because he thought we were clumsy or something.
Charles Smith is overjoyed that he's no longer the #1 search result for "Knicks, bricks, paint."
...the hundreds of other samples I collected under the Program.
I too know the feeling of watching a female star and dozens of guys get into pileups capped off by an explosion and the lingering shame of what I've just done for the last three hours.
In response, every other MLB team is rolling out their own line of Orange U motivational shirts saying, "Orange U Glad We're Not the Mets?"