
Best mid-air snatch since DB Cooper.

I really hope the Vancouver Whitecaps never move to Alabama. The new fanbase would be really confused.

But did he make that play THE RIGHT WAY?

Tempus Fuckup.

I really didn't feel all that different except for all the blood.

That's hot.

"This is what happens! Do you see what happens, young lady?!? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO BLOCK A RAMPAGING GIANT WITH A SEAT CUSHION!!!"

"I dunked at 54, can I dunk at 55?"

Only like six people are going to get that, but it's absolutely going to make their day. Well done.

Anybody else notice the not-so-subtle grinding of the hips at :35?

"This is not daAAAAAAD!"

This really explains Timothy Mozgov's claim that he thought he was making a Hanes commercial.

I've done a Google search on my name a couple times, and you look at it, and you're like 'Oh, gosh, that's not so hot.'

Jonny Gomes Would Prefer Not To Get Drilled In The Temple, Thank You

curling will persist as one of the great mysteries of humankind.

This new Spy vs. Spy movie is going to suck.

Still, you have to respect their dedication to realism. When you take the bus to the next stop, there's a picture of where the ball would land after Pujols faced Marmol.

I like schadenfreude and dick jokes as much as the next guy, but it's the chance of coming across fucking EXCELLENT stories like this one that keep me coming back to Deadspin every day.


What, no link to his booking Fotu?