
It seemed appropriate to over-share given the topic of the thread. I have oppositional defiant disorder, so it had to be done, also because reasons.

Who said it has anything to do with feminism? It has to do with misandry and the fact that hipsters only like anything if that thing gives them permission to hate on someone or something else for being inferior.

I have a better idea. How’s about you stop appointing yourself as Arbiter Of All Of The Shit Men Shouldn’t Be Doing, and actually talk to human beings once in a while. It’s not ManThreading, it’s just pathetic twitter abuse, and I’ve seen women do it just as often. But you notice it more when a man does it, because

Plenty of directors have ruined my entire evening by deciding that what we really needed to see was the horror and fear on a woman’s face as she’s being raped by a villain.

Dear Anxiety Monster,

I can’t hear the headline over the loop of REM’s End Of The World (as we know it) and screams of anguish playing in my head. Can you maybe capitalize or embolden the headline?

iphone screens are too low resolution for decent VR

Why no large gender gap? You want to know who elected Trump? The 44 percent of women who knew who he was and voted for him anyway.

Buzzfeed has gone full Cosmo. Never go full Cosmo.


They are, in my experience, some of the most snobbish, exclusionary, mean-spirited, superior, ignorant, and foolish people that I have ever had the discomfort of dealing with.

I’ve never written anything people liked before.

They can’t have it because we’re still using it. We will release it when we don’t need it anymore. When individuality stops meaning “doing what all of your skinny-jeans, plaid shirt and long-beard friends are doing” then we can retire the term. When the last person puts the last pair of non-prescription eyeglasses

That’s an easy question to answer:

I’m not claiming a superior value set. I’m saying that the one he has is making him feel bad, and he’s not identifying the cause of the problem.

You can. Step 1. Be attractive. Step 2. Play Zelda in public. Step three. Notice women who cross your path and give them a mild non-creepy smile that says “you look nice” and take your eyes off the game just long enough to know that looking at someone like her is way more important than Zelda. But not too long. Then

That thing is design excellence bar none.

Hipsters can be pretty hard to understand. They’re waaay more individualistic and expressive, which means they do exactly as their friends do. Anything from glasses to beards to jeans cut is carefully culled from market research they do independently but quite unconsciously from their pool of peers, and then emulated.

I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity for individuality and can be actually shamed by something as meaningless as the electronic communicator in your pocket.

Remember that Cheetos were orange before Trump was. Cheetos are the original, Trump is the bland, upsetting pretender- the store brand cheez curls flavored with alum and yellow number 5 and salt.