
But I thought that capitalism protected the consumer because it’s our money.

Anyone with a VW beetle or super beetle that hasn’t swapped in a proper distributor (009) is a glutton for punishment. The original distributor was shite.

The reason this won’t happen is that literally everyone with car experience knows there isn’t any money in producing the Elio.

I really don’t think the Dale will ever see manufacturing. In asking for 375 million when they currently have 100k USD(not even this month’s payroll for 28 employees on salary) , they’re asking the government or investors to buy them a corporation in exchange for an idea.

This. If there’s no FTL travel, then it takes between 12 and 90 years to get to the closest star to your home, and since you didn’t evolve there, there’s no resource reason to go.

C’mon ladies, it’s just some moobs, get over it. They’re natural and stop body shaming and whatever. Every man is beautiful or something. Insert ridiculous facebook glurge garbage here.

It’s amazing how soft your hands remain if you just stick them in other people’s pockets and leave them there for 70 years.

You must have missed the speech I saw. I saw a man read a teleprompter.

What’s wrong with us?

I could tell you why, but you aren’t going to like it. We lose because we champion our own freedom of speech while simultaneously shitting on other people’s freedom of movement, by blocking the roads. We encourage colleges to speak freely, while muzzling anyone we don’t agree with. We say that debate is critical to

I own one of these. The brushes are underpowered and don’t do anything but barely touch the surface. They have no real torque (the driveshaft is plastic) and while it impresses you with dirty water, it lacks the suction required to actually dry it AND the beating to actually get dirt out of the carpet.

I own one of these. The brushes are underpowered and don’t do anything but barely touch the surface. They have no

Even women who are adventurous with their B holes tend to not tell even their closest girlfriends about it.

Sometimes, when people are pretty comfortable, they loosen up a bit and when you’re already having REALLY wet vigorous vaginal sex, you can pull out too far and !POINQ! It’s in the wrong place.

We could dismantle 90 percent of those weapons and still have more than enough for mutually assured destruction so that no nation would dare pre-emptively launch on us.

Plenty of directors have ruined my entire evening by deciding that what we really needed to see was the horror and fear on a woman’s face as she’s being raped by a villain.

Dear Anxiety Monster,

I can’t hear the headline over the loop of REM’s End Of The World (as we know it) and screams of anguish playing in my head. Can you maybe capitalize or embolden the headline?

Why no large gender gap? You want to know who elected Trump? The 44 percent of women who knew who he was and voted for him anyway.

Buzzfeed has gone full Cosmo. Never go full Cosmo.

Remember that Cheetos were orange before Trump was. Cheetos are the original, Trump is the bland, upsetting pretender- the store brand cheez curls flavored with alum and yellow number 5 and salt.