
Pizza dough is great. It’s so incredibly simple to make, and you can turn it into a loaf of rustic Italian bread, breadsticks, cinnamon rolls (I do this frequently because I make pizza almost ever week—it’s why I’m fat you see), soft pretzels, and of course frying them sounds a lot like beignets to me.

That’s not always an option. One of my dogs HATED it inside. She would claw and bite the doors and frames to get out. I think she hated our kids because she was first and they invaded. I built a house just for her with insulated walls, ceiling, floor and a thick foam flap strip door. I put a very small heater meant

When we bought our current house, I was working at a university trying to get a small business center on its feet. Despite my repeated questioning about their continued backing of the project, they pulled the plug right before our closing. The underwriter dropped us like hot turds (because cold turds aren’t as bad,

I can’t tell you how great the Circuit Playground is. I bought one to play with and involve my kids, and it’s so easy to do tons of fun things. Okay, a slouch protector is kind of silly, but when you think of what’s built into the board to allow that, possibilities should start exploding!

I’ve never dunked (will remedy soon), but HELL YES to toasting and and then getting freaky with the butter.

Yep. That’s pretty much what French toast is. So wonderful.

I had to write and essay, provide a portfolio, bring several professional references who would vouch for me, and be accepted on a probationary status until taking the first three classes and proving I was worth a shot. Considering the degree is in my professional field where I’ve spent more than a decade, I was given

I discovered a very similar system for myself back in college. I went through high school doing nothing and getting by so I screwed myself thoroughly on learning actual techniques and practices for studying. When I got to college, I suffered greatly (in terms of grades) for a long time till I figured it out.

The real problem is that people aren’t getting the detoxifying foot baths. See, it’s all the toxins, probably from a genetically modified gluten, poisoning their system and causing the fungal cancers and the xenomorphic blood. Scientists just don’t want to tell us the truth because it would jeopardize their lavish

Whenever I buy a grocery store rotisserie chicken that I don’t use immediately, which is most of the time given my families schedule, I refrigerate it to use later. Once cooled, I go in and scoop out all the congealed fat from the tray it came in so I can use it in other things. One of my favorites is turning the

Don’t chill them, and store them with other fruits that are ripe or ripening. The article mentions bananas, which do work great. In fact, trying buying a browning banana at the same time you buy a hard, too-green avocado and put them together for a couple days. I have to do this often as the avocados I buy at Kroger

Yeah, I just went and checked to see that the functionality have arrived for me, and it has. I tried a few APA references and they were all completely wrong.

I almost always use sirloin also. My wife prefers it, and I love it as well so it’s always a win. I recently bought a few pounds of the in-house ground trimmin’s from a butcher for something else but used a bit of it to make a couple burgers. They were surprisingly awesome. Higher in fat that I’d like but amazing

JUST FOR A BURGER?! Blasphemy. Yeah, it’s a bit of time, but it is so freakin’ good it’s worth it now and then.

After reading through the comments, I think one thing is clear, everyone likes something different. There are about 100 ways listed by people here that are “the only way.” Absolutely DO THIS or DON’T DO THIS! Seriously, if the burger you’re eating is exactly what you want, it’s perfect. Try them all because you never

You can also use a food processor if you have one. Chill the cubed meat in the freezer for 25-ish minutes to firm it up, then toss it in the processor and grind it just before use. Try making your burger from brisket if you can grind it yourself. That’s what Jacque Pepin does, and it’s pretty outstanding.

These aren’t mutually exclusive. You can do a redneck sous vide (low and slow in the oven) with the burger and then put a crisp sear on it using the cast iron skillet heating up while the meat is in the oven. One of many options that can all produce knock-out burgers.

I’m glad to see this is coming back. I had to use the add-on EasyBib, which isn’t bad honestly, because the previous incarnation of scholar disappeared from my Docs. I still don’t have the new tool. EasyBib does a better job of formatting the references, but the native Google version does a FAR better job at

Okay, this cracked me up, here in the south, we use the word “fix” as a synonym for “prepare.” As in, hey dad, what are you fixin’ for dinner? So when I saw the title Best Ways to Fix Thin Gravy, my first reaction was, why would anyone want to fix (prepare) a thin gravy? In my continuing Thanksgiving stupor, it took

Part of our problem here in the US is that for such a long time we’ve been anti-butter. It’s been the villain in every diet lesson for 50 years. Margarine and low fat butters (hold for gag reflex recovery) have dominated that we’d forgotten what butter should taste like...much like our recent rediscovery of actual