
I make fudge at Christmas in memory of my mom so I have to do it her way, which is the hard way, and I have never exactly mastered it. However, for those of you, like me, who insist on wrecking the kitchen to make fudge, I have found one cheat (if it can be called that) that makes it slightly better.

I’m indifferent to this argument!

My wife does indeed work (she’s a brilliant PhD) and bust her butt at home with endless chores. So do I (though not a brilliant anything). I do all the cooking and much of the help with homework and so on. It’s not a huge deal, not offended or anything, but how about “working parents?” Or “working moms and dads,” just

For all those who seem to think this info is not valuable because it’s not a hack, here’s the hack. “How to stop assholes from denying care to women!” Pay the F! attention to news and go vote. There, life hacked.

I do this sometimes also. The only real draw back is peeling them when they’re that soft. If the peel sticks in the slightest you can tear it before it gets to the plate.

I love this idea. I just had a conversation not half a color section ago where he said, “but daddy, I don’t know what the clock means!” This could fix that.

All the world is a taco and all the men and women merely mouths; They have their tortillas and their toppings, And one man in his time eats from many trucks...

I always do this when I eat at taquerias / trucks because they always give you two tortillas per taco. I realize, as other commenters have noted, it’s not more food, but that’s not really the point. I’m going to spill it. I know this. Why not spill it into the second tortilla, wrap it up and keep going. Spread out the

Amen! I try to avoid that by having several and two of them are safe for non-stick.

It doesn’t make it all that creamy unless you put a lot on. Mostly, it just makes it buttery and delicious-er. As a kid we used to put butter, milk, cinnamon, and sugar/honey on rice, and that was freakin’ awesome. Kind of a makeshift rice pudding.

Yep, as a Dell tech support agent years ago, we used to put people “on hold” by simply muting our side and listen to them talk. Sometimes it was funny. Sometimes the sweet, elderly man/woman on the other end calls you names you didn’t think grandpa/grandma would know or ever use. I’ve been called all sorts of racist

Oh my God, the nightmares we’ve had with two kids and noise sensitivity on top of the auto flush. Hep me, Jesus. The Disney World incident of 2011. I shudder.

Also, a little water in the bag with the breast helps it tear less so the edges don’t get all fringed—mostly anyway.

I have tried this, and no the results aren’t the same. The pounding is FAR better. You can be lazy and pound too. It really only takes a min as chicken is not dense or particularly resilient.

Wow, I wasn’t trying to be obtuse at all, but based on your post I’ll have to assume that everyone you interact with falls into the category of inferior, however marginally, to you. I profoundly disagree with the sentiment that negotiation or competition is wrought from superiority in anything other than

So the misuse of a word is a greater crime against humanity than the judging of and desire to exploit or the actual exploitation of others?

You can use another state’s plan. I hear Georgia’s is very good. I did use a plan Tennessee offered years ago, a prepaid. Then, of course, when the economy crashed in 2007, it didn’t take long for the state to decide to dismantle it. The years of prepaid credits? Gone. Penalty for early withdrawal? You bet! It was a

I wouldn’t claim my sushi rice ever gets near art, but it’s certainly an improvement over where it was a year or so ago. Plus, those black sesame seeds are brilliant at covering flaws.

For sushi rice, I do all of these things in extreme detail. It took a while for me to get that right, and I don’t vary. The Nishiki sushi rice needs extra love—presoak 30 min, bring water boil with rice already in there then simmer at least 20 min and never lift that lid till after the final step, let stand in steamy