
This is a great point to make about these apps/systems. I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter which system I use as long as I stick with it long enough to get a trend on what my personal baseline is for that particular approach. I typically keep a separate spreadsheet as well to figure out my BMR. It’s a huge pain in

I can never find whole dry milk. The only thing I ever see in the store is non-fat. Maybe I should check in the specialty / health / gluten-phobic / whatever aisle. I guess Amazon has it, but where do you find yours?

Unwanted carnage is a small price when it comes to vermin. I hate to be heartless, but when I spot rodents (or birds) inside my house, I turn into Al Capone from The Untouchables, “I want him DEAD. I want his family DEAD. I want his house burned to the ground, and I want to piss on the ashes.” I’ll weep for the baby

That sounds awful! Glad you’ve been able stave off the invasion. It takes a village to eliminate rats I suppose.

I just recently discovered mice were in my attic--I heard them in the walls one night, checked the attic the next day, and there was the proof. I called a professional immediately. We have a new house in a country setting and fall is approaching. This problem was not going to be easy to handle on my own.

One of my great loves is making pizza dough. It’s easy enough to do, and I tinker with it in little ways just for fun. The one thing I’ve never gotten from my dough is enough twang. I’ve never done a sour dough because my wife doesn’t care for it, and it’s too much of a pain for pizza. I typically make my dough the

The point of this isn’t to show the most effective password maintenance system. Clearly it isn’t. The point is to show off the functionality of the Circuit Playground (sold by Adafruit for $19.99 but frequently out of stock because they sell out often). They’re pretty awesome for learning electronics and programming.

I appreciate the information. Oddly, I only use a single account, which already has a fairly high limit, which I don’t ever come even close to hitting. However, I’ll take your advice and look into this a little more deeply and see if I can manage it to my benefit.


This is one of favorite summer dishes. I didn’t have a garden this year because I was moving so I couldn’t grow my cherry tomatoes and basil, which is a bummer. Still, if you can find good produce, this just rocks. Sometimes I coat it in a tempered yolk sauce and maybe some bacon. Oh Lord it’s so good.

Yeah, we get offers for limit increases daily. I’m not willing to take them up on it although I’ve been tempted a few times by platinum services with concierge and all that because who wouldn’t want to feel like a rich bastard? I come to my senses quickly and shred the offers.

My wife and I are always dinged because we pay our credit card balance fully each month, and we use our cards for most purchases. For that reason, our balance looks really high sometimes so it appears we’re carrying too much debt (with respect to our income). It’s not a huge ding, but it’s given us some minor problems

One exception to that is when employers check your credit before offering you a job. At one point, the credit score was even referred to as the second resume. I don’t know if it’s still as prevalent as it was before the recession, but I would imagine some companies still do it.

My dad has made chips from good ol’ russets this way for years. I don’t care for sweet potatoes (I keep trying and spicy, cajun fries are the closest I’ve come), but the method is solid.

Ahhh hotel sex. Here’s where REM’s “Everybody Hurts” plays in my head while I think on times gone by. And don’t think for a second you’re chickenshit for not having kids. There’s no inherent glory or superiority to any choice, and a choice is all it is. Besides, life provides enough hurdles and hardships to go around

Fair points. My kids aren’t all old enough to wipe their butts, though, which is another exciting, early morning activity. The swim team is not with a school so there are no taxes, no buses. My kids aren’t old enough to mow our yard (YET! but yes they will age into that). I will admit to some late night OITNB with

I think you spelled that wrong. It should be “...weekend morning let the dog out because its howling, the kids are banging on the door for breakfast, there’s a swim meet in an hour, and it’s an hour drive to get there.”

I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with that, however, VABlitz makes a good point about diabetics. I guess we could add those with Celiac to those who may benefit.

These are called parmesan frico, and they are indeed glorious. I have never made taco shells with them (soon to be remedied), but I’ve made little salad bowls (without the soul crushing nightmare flavor of radish, mind you) with them, used them as a decorative bit on some bacon, cheese grits, and put them on

That’s brilliant! Cook the base in a sous vide for 72 hours and then age it for 9 weeks in the fridge and maybe by fall you can have the world’s most perfect ice cream.