Samsung's idea of a website.


Any good OS can find all the images on your drive with a simple search, and then you can copy them. I doubt a click and drag would be less work than running this software which probably has a config screen before it runs so that it doesn't have to grok the whole drive.

Meh, most people that favor Android tend to not understand a simple concept. If one product has an issue and the other does not it doesn't matter who's fault it is, it's still an issue with the product.

Glad you brought up the car analogy, you do know that the windshield wiper was stolen by ford in the same way Samsung ripped off apple? if not you can read about it here:

Actually you would all be driving Mercedes and wait everyone was driving Mercedes' during the time Karl Benz's patents were still in effect. Your argument wouldn't suck so bad if you weren't an ethnocentric and ignorant boob.

Karl Benz had a patent on the automobile, and two versions of the internal combustion engine. Others had to license those patents until they ran out. Your ideas are absurd and you obviously don't bother to do any research.

If it doesn't matter: do it differently. If you didn't come up with the best way to do something first, that's your problem. If you want to make cheap knock-offs like some Chinese handbag maker then you aught to be run out of the market.

You realize that your argument requires all patents to be invalid, and therefore it will be impossible to start a business at all? You invent something but you can't bring it to market because an hour after you do some multi-billion dollar company has cloned it at no R&D cost to them and is selling it for a fraction

So much more reasonable than all the other crap people are spewing around here. Good idea!

You make the mistaken assumption that something was obvious before it was invented and patented, just because when seeing it in action it makes sense. That is of course absurd. Otherwise all software would be written in its final form and then only bugs would be ironed out from that point forward.

And Samsung needs to stop copying and getting away with it, oh wait...

He can't ban you anymore.

Inventions, especially the good ones tend to be mistakes. Some good examples:

Yeah the interaction in Android is finally not beta quality, but other aspects still are, there's still a lot of unreliable aspects to it, especially in networking.

It depends on the company, I run FirefoxNightly as my day to day browser, it's never had issues (And I started back when it was Minefield). However I won't run a beta of iOS on my devices, those are so unstable as to be as unreliable as Android *shudder*.

Because people are even close to 90% reliable? Funny guy.

It sure does considering like-speced OEM pcs cost the same or more as Apple laptops you must be really enjoying how much more you pay for software and thus more overall.

Wasn't this thing in Armageddon (the movie)?