They might, but if they do they'll be putting the better tech at a disadvantage. Which they sometimes avoid for long periods of time (see firewire vs usb).

Meh I hope it's not NFC, bluetooth4LE is much more secure and takes no additional work on my part to use as compared to NFC.

More like the vendor will have to, just like they have to pay shit tonnes of money to visa and mastercard.

Nope, go watch the WWDC videos on bluetooth4 (if you have access that is). They specifically call out Bluetooth4 LE as their preferred payment system because it is far more secure.

Why not? I've got things I'd rather do than fuck around with a music player (or a certain mobile operating system). Seems legit to me.

Innovation is bred from hard work. You won't get much done if you spend all your time fucking with your tools instead of doing work. That is all.

I've tried everything under the sun, the only thing on that list I'd even consider using is iTunes. Manages my enormous library brilliantly, not something I can say about any of the others.

1) Foobar is not available on a mac (even if it was I wouldn't use it)

Yeah fuck Prada for shutting down my favorite Chinese knock off maker!

See that's where you are wrong, the people that know the most about software are also the ones who tend to be risk averse and go with what works with the fewest problems, which you'd know if you were in the software industry.

Right, because they weren't just looking for a cheap knockoff like Samsung lawyers were all too happy to admit.

They can't even ban you anymore! Tee hee! Trolling for all!

Yeah R&D is expensive now you will have to pay for it, suck it up butterfuck.

It's spelled good riddance.

If they're samsung customers I'd think not!

Course not, I'm not always right. But on Gawker sites I don't have to give a fuck whether I am or not, because this whole place is a giant troll nest.

So the bounce-back scrolling and gestures that are infringing were somehow not ripped off?

Good idea, that's what I did.

I'm a week from finishing a sixteen month internship, that's what I meant by the companies approached me.

I'm a week from finishing a sixteen month internship, but I'm not about to credit my university for what I learn from a separate company.