The supposed leaked shots do show a bigger phone, but then there's really no reason to believe they aren't deliberate misleading leaks.

The width was 320px on the < 4 iPhones, then on 4+ it doubled to 640px. It was pretty much an artifact of the screen limitations of the time of the original iPhone and Apple's solution for adding screen sizes without screwing developers.

Yup, if you crammed the home button to the bottom, and the camera and phone speaker to the top you could fit a 4 inch screen between them and not change the size of the phone.

Actually the commenting system from hell is just extra broken today.

I'm not convinced that the new screen size is a good idea. I'm with Jobs on the ergonomics thing. I can currently reach all four corners of my screen with the thumb of the hand holding my phone, anything bigger and I wouldn't be able to.

Look at his user name, it was a joke.

Look at his user name, it was a joke.

I know but look at his user name. I wasn't criticizing him, I was having fun.

Obvious Fanboy is obvious.

Not much more than has been wrong with it the whole time.

Really, on a mac if you want to take a screenshot you want either the command+shift+3 or command+shift+4 then space then click options, the others are pretty much redundant.

You could always learn to splice wires.

But wouldn't it be easier to not have to press "Fn" or "FLock" to change the brightness, volume, whatever. Few people use the function keys to actually send F1, F5, F11, whatever. But many use the secondary functionality which they understand because of the recognizable symbols.

Actually since most people don't use the function keys as such F1, F5, F11 etc... the switch to default to the direct action keys makes sense. People know what the volume and brightness buttons do, not many know what the function keys do.

And you think those things aren't the direct result of the American culture?

Really, you think so because last I checked the console didn't even support copy and paste without resorting to using the mouse, the tab completion is inefficient, command history and manipulation doesn't exist.

iOS6 has passwordless updating, so it is less painful. Not sure automatic is a good idea as updates can break backwards compatibility.

It'll get included in kubuntu before too long but never in ubuntu. ;)

I knew about shift-g because that's the same as less, I guess I'll just take up double g then.

Linux is already severely fragmented (I can think of 20 distributions off the top of my head), that's just a side effect of being open source. You don't like something? Just fork it and do what YOU want.