According to best buy the majority of Samsung tablets are returned for that reason. Don't underestimate how stupid people are.
According to best buy the majority of Samsung tablets are returned for that reason. Don't underestimate how stupid people are.
You do realize of course how monumentally screwed Samsung would be if they lost Apple's business? The power in that relationship is on Apple's side.
No, I just don't like people picking on the Germans.
Saying it is a supermarket is rather misleading as it is much more than that.
Where you can say hi to the guys who made the product you stole!
Hey Whitson, you guys should put out a warning now that ML supports arbitrary whole disk encryption through the finder that people should not encrypt the drive with their home directories on it unless it is also their boot drive.
For me it wound up being on the second page of the pdf document they emailed me. I had to stitch the two together in preview.
Not a conspiracy, I think it is more an issue of the linux community just being grateful for the exposure. Why would they sue the most popular linux-like platform in the hands of the public?
The German company is the 5th largest retailer in the world and operates in most of Europe and Asia.
That is a hell of a racist thing to say. And the term is owned by Metro AG, the 5th largest retailer in the world.
Love it.
Or mobile, or growl/notification center if you are on OS X. Everything wants your constant attention these days.
I have hundreds of mail rules, and very strict standards for what is allowed to notify me.
Hmm I wouldn't give up yet. What country are you in? I found that the form defaulted to the states when I tried to fill it in the first time I had to be sure to be redirected to it from the canadian site before it would work. So make sure you are being redirected from the correct countries site.
I realize Samsung is huge, but you don't seem to get that Apple is the biggest publicly traded company in the world, and securing a controlling share in ANY company wouldn't be a problem for them.
And now you are showing you don't understand GPL, you can't have anything IN the kernel and not release it. You can link against the kernel in external code, but the second you change the kernel or produce a derivative product you must release all the code for the kernel or derivative product.
You've been able to do this across the board in OS X for forever, and they knew it already here:
They already knew this even!
The kernel code is different as well, go compile it and run any number of checks against the executable in the ROM and the one you produced. It's not the same therefore it's got GPL violating changes in it.
No one would be stuck using an Apple device, but I'm sure in that scenario that Samsung devices would cease to exist. But feel free to use whatever root-requiring unreliable children's plaything you like. I choose to get things done instead of wasting time working on the OS itself.