You don't have to buy 100% of a company, just more than anyone else owns.
You don't have to buy 100% of a company, just more than anyone else owns.
Why install something when this is already packaged?
I sent the receipt they sent me via email after converting it to jpg from pdf because for some reason they won't accept pdf.
If you write code use the snippit functionality in your editor, that way you can get tabable fields and often programmable content injection.
That's just it, they DON'T release it, good luck finding the code used for the kernel in the Galaxy Nexus, because it isn't the code they released.
Or Apple could just buy Samsung and EOL the non manufacturing divisions.
True, however they are still required to release the code for the parts that are GPL, which includes the kernel. They release code for a kernel, but like with the chromium/chrome situation (not gpl so that situation isn't an issue just a similar tactic) it is not the same as the code they use, and they don't release…
I'm graduating in 2013, yes. That much is true. I took some time off to work in defense so my graduation date was pushed back from last August.
Because the comments all sound surprised that the price is so high, even though $800 is less than the previous generations.
These people obviously mean on-contract, which is amusing because if they believe that they are paying full price for a phone upfront, and that price is $350 for the 64GB iPhone they are very clearly idiots.
Haven't updated my linkedin profile in a while, horrors. And I'm 21 not sure where you got 25 from...
It's still twice as thick. That's what I meant by bulk, plus the hard drive doesn't make up half its mass.
That'd explain it.
It has certainly never been enforced.
Which iOS version are you on? It was introduced in iOS 3.0 for the 3GS and updated in iOS 5.0 to support choosing which ear gets audio, with no listed limitations (I don't have an iOS5 capable ipod to test this).
What I've done is lambast the guy who is only here to flame the inevitable troll post. Just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Not if it's a big tip.
It's all about conformity.
No, the only reason to use android was the lack of censorship of it's app store, that is gone now.
The definition of "open" as far as Google is concerned is "how we marketed not caring about our customers or developers and excused our terrible UX".