One thing, when you want to take a screenshot of just one window, instead of taking a whole screen screenshot (command + shift + 3) take one of just the window (command + shift + 4 then spacebar then click the window you want).

So if you invented a brand new product category you'd be fine with others undercutting you so that you couldn't recoup your R&D costs? You be cool with products that are so similar their own makers can't tell them apart at ten paces taking your money and spotlight?

Really? You can reach the top-opposite corner of a four inch screen with your thumb while also being able to reach the bottom-near corner (without shifting your grip)? You must have massive hands, most people can't.

If that's what the patent holder wants, yes. Are you so fucking stupid as to not know what the point of a patent is?

Except this isn't engadget it's gizmodo, so more accurately that would be gizmodo commenting system. Unless for some reason you believe this change is ever going to be reversed (hint: additional page clicks per comment read means that is not going to happen).

The screen is too big to reach all parts thereof with the thumb of one hand, and NFC is a functional subset of bluetooth 4.0 which they already include. Lastly putting the headphone jack on the bottom forces you to put your phone in your pocket/charger/whatever upside down if you have the headphones plugged in which

It's hyperbole, it doesn't even take 1 whole second. The fact that you thought it might take even 30 seconds is insulting.

You are allowed to say fuck around here you stupid fuck.

caffeinated replaces the need for the caffeine menu bar applet. And Apple didn't even bother changing the name as much as with Sherlock.

You answered your own question there. They got away with it because before the iPhone there wasn't "any touchscreen smartphone with a decent design". Then they released the iPhone and boom all of the sudden the other companies know how to make a smartphone with a decent design.

Because that phone is a terrible idea. And Apple has only released a few terrible products over the years, so it seems unlikely.

Not much point, I know I'm trolling. Have been since they changed the comment system to encourage it. If you don't like it, tough. Until there is a change to make gawker sites less geared toward trolling I'll continue to do so.

And you as well, and every other troll here. The difference is you don't realize how idiotic you sound.

Clearly you are a child if you don't understand the insult, maybe when you hit puberty.

I paid $800 less for my MBP than an equivalent PC when I bought it, and got a significantly better OS to boot.

"Actually that describes you, I'm talking about TROLLS."

I could care less what you think and am encouraged to troll these forums by the administration of this website. They deliberately set out to encourage trolling so troll is what I do. Now go fuck off you mouth breather.

Except that's wrong the play store is not a place you make money it's a charity, where you put things for people you feel bad for. Android users are no more likely to be developers, and are certainly less likely to appreciate the work that went into making an app.

And I don't agree.