I didn't say it was particularly insecure (anymore) but it is attacked more. As for overall server use, you are ignoring the vast majority of servers, for the sake of your confirmation bias.
I didn't say it was particularly insecure (anymore) but it is attacked more. As for overall server use, you are ignoring the vast majority of servers, for the sake of your confirmation bias.
And that's fine, but I'd rather Apple didn't do something stupid and make it so I can't reach any part of the screen with my thumb while holding the phone single handed like I can now.
Could be, I've never encountered that though.
Other users on your network can drag down the speeds you have access to, disconnecting the network and hooking right up to the modem avoids this.
I'm pretty sure most of the wallpaper collections on iOS don't use the word wallpaper in the name, usually just a mention of what the wallpapers are of. Plus Apple doesn't allow in very many wallpaper collections relative to the overall number of apps (thankfully, as that's not an app anyway /rant).
Not searched for, just apps with that word in their names. There are more iOS apps so it makes sense.
Supply meet demand, demand - supply.
Might want to check when they started getting patents for this stuff. Google certainly hadn't said boo about glass six years ago.
Samsung can't because there aren't even that many differences in the devices that are the subject of the suit.
Apple cannot have done this in response to Google's product as Apple was awarded a series of patents around such technology starting in 2006 and they had to have been applied for before that.
It is based on traffic inspection (they look at what you are downloading) so your ip address doesn't matter. If you can encrypt your data better than they can decrypt it then you might not be throttled, or throttled all the time depending on how big of a dick the isp is.
Don't forget to connect your computer directly to the modem with Ethernet before testing so you don't get interference from others in your network (or from wifi issues).
It was the 4S, but yeah that happened. I'm hoping that the new iPhone doesn't have a bigger screen and that this is all a big farce.
Most Android users imply that's why they use Android, because of said skills.
I pulled one example, windows is not run on the majority of servers. Large businesses have far more servers than do small businesses and run windows with far less frequency on them. Because no one wants to use the most attacked platform for their critical infrastructure.
No official way but I'm sure that your highly honed android user skills will allow you to trace back the correct urls from the icloud servers and parse the serialized data. After all what use is an open OS unless you are able to do what you want and develop your own tweaks.
It's not my problem if Microsoft would be sued for including useful functionality, and based on what they're doing with Win on ARM they're obviously not afraid of lawsuits anymore.
BSD != linux, bsd is a unix and by definition Linux Is Not UniX.
Nah but I don't imagine they'll be adding POSIX support at this point.