Well that's cool. Thanks. (not so cool that it's so hidden nowadays).


No the only reason to do this is if there is a benefit to the consumer that the consumer will pay for. For example firewire was faster and had more capabilities than usb2, which is why apple preferred it, same with thunderbolt versus usb3.

USB 2 is dead on apple devices too. Firewire was always better and it's good to see usb 2 gone.

First one I ever heard of, and this was before it happened to me:

The linux kernel is GPL, by using code from it Android HAS to be GPL licenced that is in the terms of the GPL. That means shit like this: is grounds for suing Google into oblivion and stopping the sale of every android device

Ignorant? I speak from experience. And the degree of piracy essentially boils down to how litigious you get with the little brats, thus the difference in piracy rates across examples. My app was only pirated at a rate of about 9:1 on the play store, whereas the developers of say FaceFighter Gold saw rates as high as

And every day for the last ten years, but I'll let you feel all superior about your programming skills, it's ok maybe one day you'll learn to think.

A poor example of a game I know but still this person took the time to write about it so you can have your proof.

The kernel is stored as a file at the root of the filesystem, just like any OS. It's loaded into ram and executed for the sake of running the OS sure, but the file is still there.

Apple is RIGHT. There's a reason they're the most valuable company on earth save for saudi aramco.

Who said I make games?

I'm a developer, yes. I work for a defense company currently and develop mobile apps freelance.

Even if their app sucks that doesn't mean that is the case for all the apps that are pirated more than purchased.

I can't exactly show the history of take down notices and download numbers on the play store of pirated copies of my app, as they were mostly taken down but I'm speaking from experience.

Then your experience isn't that of a developer.

Most of them but not all, and a good chunk of the standard kernel isn't in the Android kernel.

"You mean to say that your app was taken and reposted for free?"

You can and people frequently do download pirated apps from the play store, and google does nothing to prevent people from uploading apps that are clearly pirated.

None I've ever spoken to, nor myself.