"A simple license check prevents any app from working that is "side loaded", unless you get a "hacked version", and that contains it own risks, including you are getting a Trojan and not the actual app."
"A simple license check prevents any app from working that is "side loaded", unless you get a "hacked version", and that contains it own risks, including you are getting a Trojan and not the actual app."
"Does that then mean that the Andriod platform has 3rd party apps that avoid their market app completely?"
oops wrong comment.
So the downloads of pirated versions of the app on the play store that account for 90% of downloads in some cases are somehow the fault of the quality of the app? Not that the Android users are cheap entitled ignorant fucks?
Because for all their posturing they know their devices are still shit and they want very much for that not to be true. After all they are basing their self worth on a phone.
As a developer who has been on both sides of the fence the post is actually spot on, so I'm assuming you are one of the fucking ignorant shits that uses android and thinks that means they know fuck all about software?
Android is not linux, it's based on linux but it is violating GPL and does not use the linux kernel. so it isn't linux except as some marketing bullshit.
The number of downloads of pirated versions of the app on the play store. So, a conservative number.
This is worse than Reddit, it's an environment that encourages bad commenting when it used to encourage good commenting so fuck off. #trollingisencouraged
As an obnoxious iOS user, allow me to say: awww he thinks he knows shit all about software because he uses Android, how cute!
"And that's not fair to anybody."
Nah my friend, the method is much more straight forward than that. Just check to see if you can access a file that can only be found if you are jailbroken (say the kernel) or check for jailbreak-only available functionality using Obj-C's wonderful introspection system. The latter is easier to circumvent which is why I…
The vast majority of Android users who actively download apps are cheap and entitled (just like the majority of people in general). You should hear some of the things that get said on the Android forums to devs that are looking for ways to prevent piracy.
It's also much easier to prevent piracy on iOS.
It's also much easier to prevent piracy on iOS.
So maybe 10% of pirates might have to worry about that in the next 3 years?
The pirated versions often have ads added that pay the pirate not the developers, it's likely the developer added their own ads and released the app for free.
Developers don't write for android because they get ripped off severely once and never look back.
The process of preventing piracy is much easier on iOS, check for jailbreak, if there was one delete a bunch of crap on the phone and refuse to run.
Android makes it easier, you don't need to get your app approved so that takes away one check for copyright infringement. The nature of Java applications makes it easier to modify the app to not check for a receipt, and easier to insert your own ads so the pirate can make money off the app which the developer is now…