In my experience if you try to charge on Android, you'll face 90% piracy rates.
In my experience if you try to charge on Android, you'll face 90% piracy rates.
Except that piracy is worse on the Android platform, most paid apps on android are pirated at close to 90%, with a few being at undercut prices yes they occasionally sell the pirated version, just cheaper! And Google couldn't care less, you ask for a group of apps to be taken down, because they're just your app plus…
The developers weren't stealing from their customers so that doesn't apply here.
Fuck you. /discussion for real now. #yesit'strollingbuti'mseriousihateyou
It's a missile with wings, not a plane. And that's Military-inexpensive which is not in the same realm as what a sane person calls inexpensive.
Fair enough, yeah it's a platypus in a demon costume. Representing Darwin's BSD roots.
Based on what is and isn't a livable accommodation, I grew up in the ghetto and my room was still 100 sq ft, I cannot imagine fitting an entire apartment in that space.
Hexley? How so? I use it because I love Darwin OS ...
Yup, so long as they are in the contact info that gets synced over. I tested it and this works with gmail, hotmail, icloud, etc.
To be fair, Lion's use of multiple monitors isn't great either. Fixed in ML though =)
Same here, the stuff Kotaku posts is often far superior.
I got the same impression. (Also the weights (for the physics) were all wrong, I've handled enough jewelry to see that).
Mine are Mozilla and the FSF.
No, I'm quite correct, at least where I'm from the undergrads toiling away and paying their tuition is where the university gets the majority of its funding for its research (as well as money for infrastructure and events, essentially anything but paying the professors to teach which is paid by the government around…
Except the choice to run up to date software on the phone you want, or to see the source code for the nexus line, or to have developers care about your platform to have nice apps.
Ok, but Google just bought and killed the product so they could have the developers. So progress wrt sparrow is now dead.
My thoughts exactly.
Jurassic Park, I'm not kidding.
Setup gmail as a mail account on the phone, it'll sync contacts automatically and you can choose to turn off contacts/calendar events/mail all separately from the account settings page.
Dude all college IS, is getting that stupid overpriced piece of paper. Once you get over what you think it should be and accept what it is you can approach this more rationally.