Go on long runs with your dog (probably at least 2 a day) or it will ruin the place. Big dogs that don't burn off enough energy are not a good thing in small spaces.
Go on long runs with your dog (probably at least 2 a day) or it will ruin the place. Big dogs that don't burn off enough energy are not a good thing in small spaces.
She knows she's on linux. She also knows that it's because I had to keep removing viruses from her computer when it ran windows because she downloads and tries to install crap all the time. Even now I find her desktop littered with .exe's.
Nah it's just broken, the reply notifications are supposed to work mostly the same (with an extra stop in your inbox just for the sake of an extra click).
Heh, yeah but honestly I can't say anything you can't find by googling.
Hide it in the case of my grandmother's computer and hook it up to the ports, effectively replacing her terrible computer without her knowing.
You can set the pref browser.download.manager.quitBehavior to 2 on the about:config page.
What if I say the name Bose, but in the context of not recommending them to you? Would you then be inclined to not take me seriously and start considering them?
Google the "kotaku fix" for Firefox or if you must, chrome.
And done: http://lifehacker.com/5927745/?comment=51144705
I am (after reading the other comments) even when I was living in the ghetto in my hometown my room was about that big, I can't imagine stuffing a whole apartment in there.
Why exactly does my race factor into this? Being crammed into tiny spaces sucks no matter what color your skin is.
Probably because he was interested in linux already and the thing holding him back is now a non-issue? Not everyone is happy with windows.
Yup, it's pretty great to work on exclusive contracts and do unique work.
I'd do it from the windows side if possible just in case (and this isn't too unlikely) Windows is storing some files in braindead parts of the filesystem. If you let Windows handle it, you at least know that it's Microsoft's fault if something goes wrong, not Canonical's.
I just felt like saying (since due to the new comment system it was mostly overlooked) that I worked on the control station software for this bad boy: http://gizmodo.com/5927253/this-terrifying-killing-machine-can-hover-for-six-hours-before-attacking-its-target-like-a-mad-hawk
Read the source, it's more clear.
I'm Canadian, we have stupid limitations placed on us by American companies just for the hell of it.
Everywhere I've been won't let you buy a giftcard with a gift card. Stupid corporations.